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hpr4342 :: How I use Git to blog on the web and gopherspace

How I use Git to blog on the web and gopherspace

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Hosted by Klaatu on Tuesday, 2025-03-25 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
git, gopher. 1.

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Duration: 00:37:39
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First, I create a Git repository some place on the server. This is the Git repo that's going to be populated with your content, but it doesn't have to be in a world-viewable location on your server. Instead, you can place this anywhere, and then use a Git hook or a cronjob to copy files from it to a world-viewable directory. I don't cover that here. I refer to this location as the staging directory.

Next, create a bare repository on your server. In its hooks directory, create a shell script called post-receive:

while read oldrev newrev refname
       BR=`git rev-parse --symbolic --abbrev-ref $refname`
       if [ "$BR" == "master" ]; then
               export GIT_DIR="$WEB_DIR/.git"
               pushd $WEB_DIR > /dev/null
               git pull
               popd > /dev/null
Now when you push to your bare repository, you are triggering the post-receive script to run, which in turn triggers a git pull in your staging directory.

Once your staging directory contains the content you want to distribute, you can copy them to live directories, or you could make your staging directory live (remember to exclude the .git directory though), or whatever you want.

For gopher, I create a file listing by date using a shell script:

DATE=${DATE:-`date --rfc-3339=date`}
for POST in `find "$DIR_BASE"/"$DIR_STAGING" \
-type f -name "" -exec grep -Hl "$DATE" {} \;`;
POSTDIR=`dirname "$POST"`
cp "$POST" "$DIR_BASE"/"$DIR_LIVE"/`basename $POSTDIR`.txt
echo -e 0Latest'\t'../"$DIR_LIVE"/`basename $POSTDIR`.txt > /tmp/updater.tmp

echo -e 0"$DATE" `basename $POSTDIR`'\t'../"$DIR_LIVE"/`basename $POSTDIR`.txt \
>> /tmp/updater.tmp
"${SED}" -i "/0Latest/ r /tmp/updater.tmp" "$DIR_BASE"/date/gophermap
"${SED}" -i '0,/0Latest/{/0Latest/d;}' "$DIR_BASE"/date/gophermap
/usr/bin/rm /tmp/updater.tmp


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Comment #1 posted on 2025-03-25 15:46:06 by oxo


Hi Klaatu, Cool to hear you back here! I am really missing my weekly GNU World Order. :)
Regards oxo

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