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hpr4316 :: Is Scratch a real programming language?

Small interview with Orion on his experience teaching kids to program in Scratch

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Thumbnail of Trollercoaster
Hosted by Trollercoaster on Monday, 2025-02-17 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
programming, kids, open source. (Be the first).

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:16:08
Download the transcription and subtitles.


What is Scratch?

  • Who made it?
  • How does it work?
  • What can it do?

What are the blocks and how they relate to coding?

  • Can be dragged and placed
  • Different shapes/colours represent different aspects
  • Round ones are analogous to Functions
  • Sharp ones are variables
  • Control ones are Logic/Conditions

Why is this good?

  • Allows kids to focus on logic and the mindset of coding without having to learn or care about Syntax/lines of code
  • Allows for direct visualisation of what the code does

My own experience

  • Started with blocks in Lego Mindstorm
  • Evolved to C HTML/PHP and then Python

The workshop

  • Kids made 2 games that covered all basics
  • Triggers/Input
  • Functions
  • Variables
  • Were all customised by them
  • Explain that each kid made their version
  • the football crazy one turned my cat and balloon game into a Football Match
  • They got to take them home
  • The games covered the basics on this way
  • Input using keyboard for triggering functions
  • Use Functions to modify location parameters
  • If/Then Conditions for when sprites are touching each other/the walls
  • Variables for storing points
  • Operands to increase Points in variable
  • End conditions
  • Loops for permanently checking the If/Then Conditions
  • Ask about the organisation
  • Mora Mundus

Download and learn more about Scratch .


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