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hpr4302 :: New Campaign Trail Playthrough

Join Alexander [Lochyboy} as he plays new campaign trail

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Hosted by Lochyboy on Tuesday, 2025-01-28 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
new, campaign, trail, gaming. 2.

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Duration: 00:24:09
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Computer Strategy Games.

This series is about Computer Strategy Games or Video Games as defined by

In this show Lochyboy plays the game

"A backup of the current Campaign Trail Game from AmericanHistoryUSA in order to protect the game and allow for easier modding/new potential scenarios. "

This is an archive of the source code of the site for the American election simulator known as The Campaign Trail. In it, players simulate various contested elections throughout American history, making choices and answering questions in order to improve their chances at winning. The original site is rarely updated, so this backup has been made with features added for easier modding.


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Comment #1 posted on 2025-01-28 17:31:58 by Ken Fallon

Spam ?

I so thought this was spam when I posted it. The link brought me to a site that discussed the Trump Election.

I had no idea this type of game exists, and it was fascinating to get a walk through from our official @hpr Gamer.

Comment #2 posted on 2025-02-06 00:29:42 by Sem luz em Saint Louis

Played it!

What a finding you gave us to find! I'm not American, so the mechanicals, I thought, wouldn't fit to my reality. Anyone, I went there and, hey, there is a mod option to play like... (Are you ready?) Paul! The apostle! I'm a Bible reader, so I went to it, a very deep and interesting gameplay! I played on hard and couldn't win against Barnabas, but well an adventure and an apprentice!

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