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hpr4286 :: HPR Community News for December 2024

HPR Volunteers talk about shows released and comments posted in December 2024

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Hosted by HPR Volunteers on Monday, 2025-01-06 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Community News. (Be the first).
The show is available on the Internet Archive at:

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Duration: 00:00:00

HPR Community News.

A monthly look at what has been going on in the HPR community. This is a regular show scheduled for the first Monday of the month.

New hosts

There were no new hosts this month.

Last Month's Shows

Id Day Date Title Host
4261 Mon 2024-12-02 HPR Community News for November 2024 HPR Volunteers
4262 Tue 2024-12-03 DIY C02 operat0r
4263 Wed 2024-12-04 An interview with Adam Matthews about the Disco Pigeon Ken Fallon
4264 Thu 2024-12-05 Mintcast, high crimes and misdemeanors. Some Guy On The Internet
4265 Fri 2024-12-06 Drivecasting: arm sleeves, glasses and more. Some Guy On The Internet
4266 Mon 2024-12-09 What's the weather? Lee
4267 Tue 2024-12-10 Borderlands Movie Review Kevie
4268 Wed 2024-12-11 Book review and an Emacs rabbit-hole enistello
4270 Fri 2024-12-13 Playing Civilization IV, Part 4 Ahuka
4272 Tue 2024-12-17 Embed Mastodon Threads hairylarry
4280 Fri 2024-12-27 Isaac Asimov: The Foundation Ahuka

Missed comments last month

Note to Volunteers: These are comments for shows last month that were not read in the last show because they arrived on or after the recording started. This section will be removed before these notes are released.

  • hpr4106 (2024-04-29) "My tribute to feeds" by Henrik Hemrin.
    Summary: "Feeds are useful to keep me updated with new information from websites I am interested in."
    From: Henrik Hemrin on 2024-11-29: "Thanks for feedback"

    Thank you very much Peter for your feedback. And I am happy to hear you also can see the benefit of RSS!

  • hpr4195 (2024-08-30) "Hacking HPR Hosts" by Ken Fallon.
    Summary: "Social Engineering more contributions to HPR by picking when to publish your show"
    From: SolusSpider - Peter Paterson on 2024-11-29: "Another comment for Ken - he hacked this host"

    Ken, you personally asked for this comment!
    You also hacked this host.
    Thank you for the instructions and reasoning behind them.
    Totally appreciate them.
    Glad to be a host, commenter, and listener of HPR.

  • hpr4249 (2024-11-14) "Audio Streams on the Command Line" by Kevie.
    Summary: "Kevie talks about streaming and ripping audio streams on Linux using the command line"
    From: Henrik Hemrin on 2024-11-29: "Command Line"

    Thanks Kevie for your Command Line tip. I tried the cvlc player, and... it works! I am not a heavy Command Line user, but I like it, and it is inspiring to learn from your knowledge.

  • hpr4256 (2024-11-25) "Birds of a Feather Talk at OLF 2024" by Thaj Sara.
    Summary: "Lyle and Thaj speak some nonsense to make other people make shows."
    From: Torin Doyle on 2024-11-30: "OLF?"

    Hey guys. Great show. BTW, what does ' OLF' mean? Thanks.

  • hpr4258 (2024-11-27) "Introduction and History of Using Computers" by SolusSpider.
    Summary: "Introducing myself to the HPR community and going through my timeline of computer usage."
    From: Henrik Hemrin on 2024-11-29: "Welcome as HPR host!"


    Welcome as host on Hacker Public Radio!

    You mentioned ICQ in this episode. I also used ICQ back in the days. I think they can be seen as one important forerunner to where we are today with chat softwares.

  • hpr4259 (2024-11-28) "Why digitize photos" by Henrik Hemrin.
    Summary: "Two reasons to digitize photos is discussed: for a historical archive or for a personal collection."
    From: Henrik Hemrin on 2024-11-29: "Thanks for your comment"

    Thanks Peter for your comment!

    I've been struggling, still ongoing, to details, to why, what I want to achieve. So if my thinking, web reading and other sources, can work as a knowledge sharing, I am pleased. And good luck for any digitizing journey you may travel.

Comments this month

These are comments which have been made during the past month, either to shows released during the month or to past shows. There are 3 comments in total.

Past shows

There is 1 comment on 1 previous show:

  • hpr3531 (2022-02-14) "Barrier: Software KVM" by Windigo.
    Summary: "A brief inroduction to the Barrier software KVM"
    • Comment 3: SolusSpider - Peter Paterson on 2024-12-01: "Fellow user of Barrier, and also InputLeap."

      Greetings Windigo,
      We have a very similar story of how we started using Barrier, after both us being Synergy users.
      My main use of Barrier is in in my home network mostly between my desktop PC running PCLinuxOS as the host and a laptop running Solus as a client.
      In a recent Solus update Barrier disappeared!
      Discovered in the update blog that Barrier had been forked to new software named InputLeap.
      Their site is:
      On that site they state: "Input Leap is a fork of barrier, by barrier's active maintainers. Currently, barrier is considered unmaintained."
      PCLinuxOS have yet to make this change, but the great news is that InputLeap and Barrier work together seamlessly.

      I do notice that you have also recorded this show:
      hpr4191 :: rkvm software KVM
      Sounds like a good solution to a specific keyboard issue.
      I look forward to listening to that show.

Updated on 2024-12-01 23:57:45

This month's shows

There are 2 comments on 2 of this month's shows:

  • hpr4266 (2024-12-09) "What's the weather?" by Lee.

  • hpr4272 (2024-12-17) "Embed Mastodon Threads" by hairylarry.
    • Comment 1: Ken Fallon on 2024-11-28: "Wayne Myers ?? Where did I hear that name before ?"

Mailing List discussions

Policy decisions surrounding HPR are taken by the community as a whole. This discussion takes place on the Mail List which is open to all HPR listeners and contributors. The discussions are open and available on the HPR server under Mailman.

The threaded discussions this month can be found here:

Events Calendar

With the kind permission of we are linking to The Community Calendar.

Quoting the site:

This is the community event calendar, where we track events of interest to people using and developing Linux and free software. Clicking on individual events will take you to the appropriate web page.

Any other business

Example section

  • Bulleted list item 1

  • Bulleted list item 2


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If you can't fit everything you want to say in the comment below then you really should record a response show instead.

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All comments are moderated. All links are checked by humans. We strip out all html. Feel free to record a show about yourself, or your industry, or any other topic we may find interesting. We also check shows for spam :).

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