hpr4241 :: HPR Community News for October 2024
HPR Volunteers talk about shows released and comments posted in October 2024
Hosted by HPR Volunteers on Monday, 2024-11-04 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Community News.
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Duration: 01:35:30
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HPR Community News.
A monthly look at what has been going on in the HPR community. This is a regular show scheduled for the first Monday of the month.
New hosts
There were no new hosts this month.
Last Month's Shows
Comments this month
These are comments which have been made during the past month, either to shows released during the month or to past shows. There are 25 comments in total.
Past shows
There are 8 comments on 4 previous shows:
- hpr4208
(2024-09-18) "01 Plain Text Programs"
by hairylarry.
- Comment 3: Beeza on 2024-10-03: "Plaintext Programs"
- Comment 4: Dave Morriss on 2024-10-04: "Regarding VMS and indexed files"
- Comment 5: hairylarry on 2024-10-07: "Thanks for the comments"
- hpr4211
(2024-09-23) "Rapid Fire 1"
by operat0r.
- Comment 1: Sun Yat Babo on 2024-10-25: "neuro diverse film"
- hpr4213
(2024-09-25) "Making Waves Day 1"
by Ken Fallon.
- Comment 1: dmt on 2024-10-12: "satdump"
- hpr4216
(2024-09-30) "Down the rabbit hole."
by Some Guy On The Internet.
- Comment 1: Beeza on 2024-10-03: "Good Samaritans"
- Comment 2: Reto on 2024-10-23: "The humor"
- Comment 3: Ken Fallon on 2024-10-24: "The View from NL"
This month's shows
There are 17 comments on 10 of this month's shows:
- hpr4221 (2024-10-07) "HPR Community News for September 2024" by HPR Volunteers.
- Comment 1: Dave Morriss on 2024-10-05: "Show notes for the HPR New Years Eve Show 2023-24"
- Comment 2: brian-in-ohio on 2024-10-07: "best price?"
- hpr4222 (2024-10-08) "Replacing backup batteries in my Kenwood TS940S HF Radio Part 5" by MrX.
- hpr4224 (2024-10-10) "Auto shop interaction" by Archer72.
- Comment 1: A. Listener on 2024-10-12: "issue with downloading shows"
- hpr4228 (2024-10-16) "Auditing Audio Files For Youtube" by Dave Hingley.
- Comment 1: Kevie on 2024-10-26: "Youtube's copyright strikes"
- hpr4231 (2024-10-21) "Duplicating Multiple USB Flash Drives with DD and Tmux on FreeBSD" by Claudio Miranda.
- Comment 1: Gumnos on 2024-10-29: "Getting status of dd in OpenBSD"
- Comment 2: hairylarry on 2024-10-30: "Similarly"
- Comment 3: ClaudioM on 2024-10-31: "Re: Similarly"
- Comment 4: ClaudioM on 2024-10-31: "Re: Getting status of dd in OpenBSD"
- hpr4236 (2024-10-28) "History of Nintendo" by Lochyboy.
- hpr4237 (2024-10-29) "My First OggCamp Experience" by Kevie.
- Comment 1: Peter - SolusSpider on 2024-10-30: "OggCamp Dining Experience"
- hpr4238 (2024-10-30) "Snaps are better than flatpaks" by Some Guy On The Internet.
- Comment 1: Trey on 2024-10-30: "Ethernet cable"
- Comment 2: Elliot B on 2024-11-01: "Snaps are the least worst"
- hpr4240 (2024-11-01) "The First Doctor, Part 1" by Ahuka.
- Comment 1: Kevie on 2024-10-31: "Keep them coming"
- hpr4266 (2024-12-09) "What's the weather?" by Lee.
- Comment 1: Lee on 2024-10-21: "Errata"
Mailing List discussions
Policy decisions surrounding HPR are taken by the community as a whole. This discussion takes place on the Mail List which is open to all HPR listeners and contributors. The discussions are open and available on the HPR server under Mailman.
The threaded discussions this month can be found here:
https://lists.hackerpublicradio.com/pipermail/hpr/2024-October/thread.htmlEvents Calendar
With the kind permission of LWN.net we are linking to The LWN.net Community Calendar.
Quoting the site:
This is the LWN.net community event calendar, where we track events of interest to people using and developing Linux and free software. Clicking on individual events will take you to the appropriate web page.
Any other business
HPR Updates
There has been a lot of activity this month on the Gitea repos with
catching up on outstanding bugs. We also had a lot of changes due to the ongoing Internet Archive outage that is still impacting us. A quick fix was to host the 10 day feed directly from the HPR server, but since then we have made all the media available on the HPR Community Content Delivery Network.We will have three sources but if you meet the requirements for hosting, and wish to help out please get in touch.
- 24/7 Home Service
- Fixed IP address
- Unlimited bandwidth
- Fast > 500mb/sec upload
- Large > 1T of storage
- Permission from your ISP to run a web server
- Contact information known to the Janitors
- Optional: UPS
We added a html link to the comments page to provide direct feedback from any app that supports it. Eg: gPodder opens Firefox at the comment form.
We have consolidated a lot of repositories on Gitea, removing some and moving others. https://repo.anhonesthost.net/HPR
Documentation is now available and includes:
- Community Content Delivery Network (CCDN) A location to track the deployment of the HPR Community Content Delivery Network, that provides a mirror network for our content.
- HPR Website Design This is literally in the whiteboard phase of the HPR website redesign.
- Podcatcher and Podcasting Platform Compatibility Where we can track Compatibility of the clients subscribed to our feeds.
- Useful Resources Where we can link to other free culture sites that provide useful services.
- Requested Topics Where we can track topics that have been requested, and link to shows that addressed them.
- Workflow issues.
Message from Dave Morriss
I am planning to "retire" from the Hacker Public Radio Janitorial Team. I have been helping to administer HPR for over 12 years now. I first offered help to Ken in 2012 in response to an appeal he made. We met at OggCamp in that year, and I joined the Community News recording for episode 1066 in September 2012. My first show was 1091 in October that year.
I will turn 75 in December 2024, and am finding that I don't have the energy to do as much as I could when I first joined. I also want to be able to devote more time to the various personal projects I have.
I plan to consolidate all my scripts on the HPR Gitea repositories, and document all the processes I have been looking after. I want to have completed the handover by the end of March 2025.
I will continue as an HPR host for as long as I can after that.
I have had a wonderful 12 years as an HPR Janitor and will always look back on it with great pleasure.