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hpr4214 :: Making Waves Day 2

The Hallway track from Spectrum24 day 2

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Thumbnail of Ken Fallon
Hosted by Ken Fallon on 2024-09-26 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
M17, OpenRTX, RF-Swift, VLF, trx-control. 1.
The show is available on the Internet Archive at:

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:36:39


Making Waves Day 2

closing picture

The Conference for Creative Use of the Radio Spectrum in Open Systems, that brings users of the radio spectrum together. For over a century, technology has made it possible to transfer more data, faster, further. Today, wireless technology is everywhere and commonplace. However, it remains a playground and a ground for innovation for many communities. The spectrum24 conference provides an opportunity to publicize projects and to allow the different communities that use the spectrum to meet in person over a weekend.


Let's start the day off with a talk with Morgan Dieport ON4MOD from the M17 Protocol.

M17 is a community of open source developers and radio enthusiasts. We're building understandable systems in support of the hackers and experimenters' history of ham radio.

A wikipedia diagram showing the frequency peak of the M17 protocol


Silvano Seva IU2KWO

OpenRTX is "Free and Open Source Firmware for Digital Ham Radios. Top-down designed with modularity, flexibility and performance in mind." The code is available on github.

OpenRTX Logo

RF Swift

We next caught up with Sebastien Dudek who had just presented a talk about the project

Introducing our Go and shell script-based toolbox, designed to streamline the deployment of Docker containers for your preferred RF tools. This evolving toolkit promises even more features in the near future, making it an essential asset for RF enthusiasts.

Sebastien giving the presentation

VLF receivers design

The say that in Space no one can hear you scream, but here at spectrum24 I'm not so sure.

The talk from Thierry Alves F4EOB, CT2JTZ spoke of listening to cosmic wind.

So how low can you go ? Head over to to find out.

Thierry giving the presentation


What do you do when you're not organizing conferences ? Hacking a project to contrail radios, and a lot more besides, using Linux.

trx-control is a modern and extensible software system for Linux to control transceivers and other devices over the network. It can as well be used to integrate third-party applications or databases.

Marc Balmer at the booth


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Comment #1 posted on 2024-09-26 13:11:38 by Trey

Love these!

So much innovation! And your between segments CW re-ignited my desire to learn morse code well. I need to put together a plan and follow through (Then, produce a related show)

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