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hpr4202 :: Replacing backup batteries in my Kenwood HF Radio Part 3

Part 3 deals with the replacement of the clock backup battery on my TS-940S

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Hosted by MrX on Tuesday, 2024-09-10 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Amateur, Radio, DIY, repair, electronics, soldering. (Be the first).

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Duration: 00:18:30
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HAM radio.

A series about all things Amateur Radio/HAM Radio.

Picture 1
Picture 1 shows the radio hanging over the edge with the front panel rotated down before rotating it back into place. It shows the cramped working condition I had to deal with.
shows the radio hanging over the edge with the front panel rotated down before rotating it back into place. It shows the cramped working condition I had to deal with.

Link to the YouTube video I used that described the process of removing the two backup batteries in a Kenwood TS-940S. The video was very useful and informative however as usual it looked far easier than it actually was or perhaps I’m just rubbish at taking radios apart.

Picture 2
Picture 2 shows the clock display immediately after first switch on with the display not working properly.
shows the clock display immediately after first switch on with the display not working properly.

Picture 3
Picture 3 shows the correct clock display after pushing an internal reset button. I think the picture shows the alarm and timer settings. It eventually displays the correct time once it was setup. Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture of the final clock display.
shows the correct clock display after pushing an internal reset button. I think the picture shows the alarm and timer settings. It eventually displays the correct time once it was setup. Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture of the final clock display.

Link to TechMoan You-tube episode where the hi-fi was destroyed by a leaking battery (Sony’s self-destructing MD Recorder from 2070).

Wikipedia article about an S0239 connector. This being the Antenna connector which I had to re-connect before being able to work on the radio.


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