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hpr4200 :: Intro to Doctor Who

An introduction to one of my favorites, Doctor Who

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Thumbnail of Ahuka
Hosted by Ahuka on Friday, 2024-09-06 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Science fiction, Doctor Who, TV, movies. 5.

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Duration: 00:18:48
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Science Fiction and Fantasy.

A series where hosts talk about Science Fiction and Fantasy in the form of books, movies, TV series, etc.

This introduction is an overview of Doctor Who from its beginnings in 1963 right up to the end of 2023. We look at the television series and movies, as well as appearances in other media. Many of these will be things we go into more detail about later, but this helps to put the pieces in place first.


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Comment #1 posted on 2024-09-06 11:53:38 by hammerron

Streaming Doctor Who

Hello. Another place where you can currently stream random episodes of Classic Doctor Who in the United States is

Comment #2 posted on 2024-09-08 12:27:42 by brian-in-ohio


Thanks so much for this series, I've always wanted to get into Dr Who but had trouble diving in because of the shows complexity. But like a good museum I now have a guide! Thanks Ahuka, keep them coming!

Comment #3 posted on 2024-09-10 02:24:14 by dnt

Dr Who

I've never watched Dr Who but I am a Peter Capaldi fan and a David Tennant fan for their other work, I have been curious to watch Dr Who since hearing of their "doctors" a long time ago. Thanks for the series, looking forward to more on Dr Who.

Comment #4 posted on 2024-09-16 16:31:37 by Dave Morriss

Excellent start!

I watched Dr Who from the first show in 1963 when I was 13. I watched it fairly regularly until 1989, but was often in places where there was no access (like university where I didn't own a TV), and I lost interest towards the end.

When it "regenerated" I was keen to watch again, and my daughter was also enthusiastic. We watched until Matt Smith left, and haven't watched since.

We did watch "Torchwood" from 2006, and enjoyed it.

You might want to add "The Sarah-Jane Adventures" to your list of spin-off shows. This was another show I watched with my daughter, who was in the age range the show was aimed at, at the time. I certainly found it watchable myself.

Thanks for doing this. I am looking forward to hearing more!

Comment #5 posted on 2024-11-09 01:46:40 by SolusSpider - Peter Paterson

Comment on Introduction To Doctor Who

Growing up in Scotland Doctor Who was part of my culture. First Doctor was also Jon Pertwee. I drifted in and out of watching Classic Who, but have been catching up on Britbox - moved to Kentucky, USA in 1999.
My wife and I enjoyed watching Christopher Eccleston, the 9th Doctor. He remains our favourite.
Since then I have watched on Amazon Prime, Max, and now Disney+.
Doctor Who still remains a large part of my culture, and I thank you for this introduction for the benefit of everyone else.

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