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hpr4175 :: what's in my bag part 2

operat0r talks about his bookbag for 2023 2024

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Hosted by operat0r on 2024-08-02 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
hacking,back packing. 1.

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Duration: 00:37:38


I go over what's in my bag for 2023-2024


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Comment #1 posted on 2024-09-11 15:39:30 by operator


he items in the book bag include: USB bass bunny USB cable for number owner Toothbrush and toothpaste Retractable charging cable Two headphones of the ear buds ONE SENTENCE SUMMARY: The user discussed various apps, tools, and services they use for personal and professional purposes including Plex, Real Link, Snapseed, Stocard, Telly Health, BetterHelp, Misnotifications, multi V&C, Google Translate, Twitch, Uber, Last Pass, Google Voice, Yelp, and Land Zoom. MAIN POINTS: Uses Plex for accessing media content Real Link app for convenience but dislikes it Snapseed used for photo storage and organization Stocard app for barcode management Telly Health used for personal health through Better Help services Misnotifications app for reminder notifications Multi V&C desktop launcher for Android compression and accessibility features Google Translate used for OCR tasks Twitch used for break-sec security purposes Uber app for transportation Last Pass for password management Google Voice and Hound for various voice assistance tasks Yelp for restaurant search Land Zoom for work purposes TAKEAWAYS: Utilize Plex and Real Link for media content access Use Snapseed for photo storage and organization Stocard app helps manage barcodes Use Telly Health, Better Help for personal health needs Misnotifications for reminder notifications Multi V&C launcher for Android desktop compression and accessibility Google Translate for OCR tasks Twitch for break-sec security purposes Uber app for transportation Last Pass for password management Google Voice and Hound for various voice assistance tasks Yelp for restaurant search Land Zoom for work purposes

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