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hpr4142 :: A Shared Shell History With Atuin

Install and Setup Atuin a utility to make your shell magical

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Hosted by mnw on Tuesday, 2024-06-18 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
atuin, cli, shell, how-to. 2.

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Duration: 00:27:53
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In this episode Marcus / mnw walks you through the install and initial configuration of a shell history replacement called Atuin.

My first show I'm quite nervous!

Config Options

These are the settings suggested to change in the config file ~/.config/atuin/config.toml

auto_sync = true

style = "compact"

inline_height = 10

enter_accept = false

Trouble Shooting

Is my postgresql working ?

psql -d "postgres://atuin:ak4hTNms5Y@" -c "select now()"

Is my service running?

service atuin status


On the first host you register on you want to grab your key.

atuin key

Then login and use that key on the other clients with

atuin login -u username -k "the word soup from the atuin key command"


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Comment #1 posted on 2024-06-19 12:31:10 by Henrik Hemrin

Good presentation of the to me unknown Atuin

You described the installation process and gave suggestions for settings in Atuin very well!

I am not familiar with this sw and for the moment I think I will not benefit of it. But now I know it exist, and I can go back to this episode whenever I get curious to try it.

Thanks for your good presentation of Atuin!

Comment #2 posted on 2025-03-12 19:07:19 by Windigo

Appreciate the overview

Thanks for going over your experiences with atuin! I've heard of this before, and checking it out is on my to do list.

I'd also be interested in self hosting the server side component, so your experience will be invaluable when I manage to try it out. Thanks for sharing your experience!

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