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hpr4129 :: How I found Hacker Public Radio

Another podcast led me to Hacker Public Radio.

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Hosted by Henrik Hemrin on Thursday, 2024-05-30 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Hacker Public Radio, HPR, MintCast, podcast. 2.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:04:06
Download the transcription and subtitles.


The reason I found HPR can be traced back to the 1990's when I first heard about Linux and I got interested in Linux. But it was not until ten years ago that I actually started to try Linux for real. A friend was enthusiastic about Linux. Although he did not have a computer himself, he made CD copies of multiple Linux distributions and gave to me. And it happened more than once.

At this time I was on macOS on a macMini. But I also had a cheap laptop with Windows 10 for a few programs. That laptop was too cheap with too little memory and soon, despite it was not old, it could not manage to keep Windows updated, it had too little memory even without additional software: 32 GB hard drive and 2 GB RAM. So, this was the driver to install Linux for real. I installed Linux Mint. And the laptop was now usable again, with an updated operating system.

My interest in Linux Mint led me to start listen to the pod Mintcast some years ago.

One of the hosts of Mintcast was also an HPR correspondent, and in his presentation of himself at every pod episode he told he gave shows at HPR and shared his ID number.

Every Mintcast pod episode also had acknowledgements where Mintcast thanked HPR for letting them use the HPR Mumble server.

At the end of each year, Mintcast also sends the jingle for the HPR New year show where everyone is welcome to live chat or just listen.

I know I have tuned in and listened to the New year show. Eventually I also listened to one or another show in earlier years.

When Mintcast this year, 2024, has talked about Hacker Public Radio they have mentioned it was low on episodes and encouraged Mintcast listeners to contribute.

It was after this I finally started to become a regular listener to Hacker Public Radio and at the same time recorded my first show.

I like HPR for its community based host approach.
I like that shows mostly have the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.
I like the concept of knowledge and experience sharing.
I like that the content is what matters most, the equipment and presentation skills are of less importance.
I like the monthly community shows with feedback and review of shows and comments.
I like the occasional comments to my shows and my possibility to comment other shows on the website.

That is how my journey with Hacker Public Radio started.


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Comment #1 posted on 2024-11-27 11:44:07 by SolusSpider - Peter Paterson

My own story of finding HPR

Henrik, we have commonality with Linux Mint. I ran that distro from 2008 to 2016 and was a regular listener to Mintcast. In fact, I officially represented them in 2013 when I attended Ohio Linux Fest.
Don't really remember HPR being mentioned back then, but that's probably just my memory.
It was not until I joined Tech & Coffee in MeWe, then in Telegram, that I heard more of HPR via Geospart and others.
He led me to TheBugcast and then to TuxJam. Both Podcasts heavily mentioned HPR, but I only occasionally checked out a show.
It really was not until this year when I met Archer72 / Mark Rice in-person in his Hospital Trauma Room that I knew I really needed to check out HPR more. He lives and breathes for HPR!!!
Now I have a show under my belt and here to stay.
Take care mate.

Comment #2 posted on 2025-02-06 00:12:43 by Sem luz em Saint Louis

Thanks, Henrik!

Hi, Henrik!
Nice to find your show! A nice moment to share and for us to know, the day you listened about and then listened to hpr! I also appreciate you having posted the full text for us, sometimes I like a podcast this way, to read. =) just a comment to show my liking of your show here, thank you.

My (unasked) testimony: I don't remember when I met HPR, but soon I had the desire to participate (years ago). Not a reality at the occasion, but now I have done something thar, if approved, may go on air in one week.

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