hpr4119 :: Cov's Jams 003
A compilation of libre licensed music that Cov enjoyed listening to
Hosted by Cov on Thursday, 2024-05-16 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
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Duration: 00:11:38
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All Songs Considered.
A Collection of Songs by various artists
Welcome to the third episode of Cov's jams.
We'll start with a couple electronica pieces from Arkadii Kaplan: Corporate Success and Chasing the Shadow. I also featured Kaplan in the second episode of Cov's Jams, way back in 2016. I'm glad to be back.
Next up are two dubstep selections: Time to Army by Muciojad and Sweet Nothing by K4MMERER.
Daniel Bautista's Symphony Number 5 will close out the episode. Daniel Bautista wins at Free, Libre, and Open Source. Not only is he playing public domain Beethoven, but he recorded and mixed the album (in May and June of 2008) on a Gentoo Linux box. Gentoo is how I really learned Linux. He's still releasing libre licensed albums and his newer releases have video recordings which he edits in kdenlive.
The first four tracks are under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike license: Corporate Success and Chasing the Shadow by Arkadii Kaplan, Time to Army by Muciojad, and Sweet Nothing by K4MMERER. Daniel Bautista's Symphony Number 5 is licensed Creative Commons Attribution.
Thank you for listening to this third episode of Cov's Jams. I hope we can enjoy some new tunes together soon!