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hpr3954 :: Sedating HPR at the Steading

MrX and Dave Morriss have lunch and record another chat

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Thumbnail of Dave Morriss
Hosted by Dave Morriss on 2023-09-28 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Edinburgh, The Steading, discussion. (Be the first).
The show is available on the Internet Archive at:

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Duration: 01:14:22




We recorded this on Sunday September 3rd 2023. We met in person again, and as before first visited the pub called The Steading where we had lunch. Then we adjourned to Dave's car in the car park, and recorded a chat.

The name "Steading" is another (Scots?) version of "Farmstead", and means the same. It's also an anagram of "Sedating"1, so ...

Topics discussed

  • Vaccines:
    • Dave has an appointment for COVID-19 and influenza vaccines. The new Omicron variant BA.2.86 has prompted another booster for some people.
    • Discussion of Smallpox vaccination
    • MrX has an appointment for an influenza vaccine
  • Edinburgh:
    • Dave took a trip on the recently extended Edinburgh tram
      • There is only one route, from the airport to Leith (port).
      • Older residents get free access.
    • MrX and MrsX recently walked from the centre of Edinburgh along the Water of Leith to the area where the tram terminus is at Newhaven.
  • Email:
    • Dave is using version Thunderbird 115.1.1 which is a rewrite of the original series where the API has now changed a lot.
    • Long-used add-ons now no longer work:
      • A favourite was Mailbox Alert which triggered sound alerts (or others) then mail arrived in a folder - so this could be after filtering. This was much more useful than the traditional "You have mail" type alerts.
    • Discussion of tags:
      • MrX mentions tags, meaning bits of text that can be attached to messages and used to classify them and to search for them.
      • In Gmail there are labels which can do this and these can be used to group messages regardless of folders
      • Thunderbird also has this concept which it calls tags. It comes with pre-defined tags such as Important and To Do, but more tags can be added. Any message can be given one or more tags. The filtering system can add tags as a message is processed. Searches can be performed on tags also.
      • Dave is an enthusiast of nested folders with filters to classify messages. MrX is keen on using tags for the same purpose. Dave mentioned Thunderbird's saved search feature (which he wrongly called virtual mailboxes) which can collect messages according to many criteria, including tags.
      • Some discussion about mail message storage strategies: file per message, mbox format, etc.
  • Ticks:
    • MrX's dog has brought some ticks back from recent walks.
    • Scotland seems to be a bit worse off for ticks in recent years.
    • Hikers need to protect against them and to perform checks that they are not on clothes. Wearing long socks or gaiters over long trousers can help.
    • Lyme Disease is a bacterial infection that can be passed by ticks.
    • This Week in Parasitism recently talked about an unpleasant disease caught from ticks, Babesiosis (not bacterial as Dave thought, but caused by a protozoan). This was in the USA; the disease doesn't seem to be in the UK at the moment.
    • Removal of ticks needs a tool or a fine pair of tweezers.
  • HPR changes:
    • Mentioned on the recent HPR Community News
    • Problem reports can be sent by email to admin at HPR, as messages to on Mastodon, and to the channel on Matrix.
  • Watching and listening:
    • MrX has been watching the YouTube channel Little Chinese Everywhere, recommended in the last of these chats.
    • MrX has also been listening to the BBC radio show Computing Britain. It consists of 12 15-minute episodes, from 2015, and is available as a podcast.
  • YouTube recommendations:
    • Dave:
      • Not Just Bikes:
        • A channel about cycling and city design. The channel owner is Canadian but has moved to Amsterdam for a better life for himself and his family. He highlights the differences between North American city design and the design of many European cities.
        • Example video: Even Small Towns are Great Here (5 Years in the Netherlands)
      • BicycleDutch:
        • Another channel about cycling in the Netherlands. This channel host, Mark Wagenbuur, is Dutch and does videos about cycle routes, and their development. Lots of videos made as he cycles a route. He is based in ’s-Hertogenbosch (map) and cycles in the region and to and from Utrecht.


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