hpr3944 :: Race for the Galaxy
Tuula explains very basics of card game called Race for the Galaxy
Hosted by Tuula on Thursday, 2023-09-14 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
race for the galaxy, card game.
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Race for the galaxy
Race for the galaxy is a four player card game published by Rio Grande Games.
The goal of the game is to build a space imperium and the player with most victory points wins.
There's also a computer version of the game, which saves you from packing up the game after playing.
Turn sequence
There are five phases in turn:
- Explore
- Develop
- Settle
- Consume
- Produce
At the beginning of turn, every player selects one of these phases and selections are revealed simultaneously. Only selected phases will be played. Player who selected a phase gets a small bonus.
- draw two cards and keep one
- bonus: draw five cards and keep one
- bonus: draw one additional card and keep one additional card
- place development card in play and discard cards from your hand to cover the cost
- bonus: -1 to cost
- place a planet card in play and discard cards from your hand to cover the cost
- except military planets, which you'll conquer with your military score
- if it's a windfall world, produce on it
- use consume powers on cards to turn good into victory points
- you have to keep consuming until you can't anymore
- bonus: trade one goods card for 2-5 cards
- bonus: 2xVPs gain twice the victory points
- produce on regular planets
- bonus: produce on windfall planet
repeat until:
- one empire is 12 cards big
- VP tokes run out
- points for cards on the table
- cards in the hand (+1 for each)
- VPs earned
special rules
- cards on the table
- draw extra cards
- trade goods on planets
- add up your military score
- settle planets for cheaper
- have bigger empire limit
- produce on a windfall planet after discarding a card
- etc.
Examples of cards
Star nomad raiders
- military 2 planet, worth 1 vp
- +1 to military
- +2 cards when trading goods
Terraforming robots
- development 3, worth 2 vp
- draw 1 card after placing a world
- discard 1 rare elements good to gain 1 card and 1 vp
Public works
- development 1, worth 1 vp
- draw 1 card after placing a development
- discard 1 good to gain 1 vp
All expansions add new cards.
The gathering storm
- goals (first and most)
- extra player
Rebel vs. Imperium
- solo play
- take over (conquer other player's worlds)
- extra player
Brink of War
- - prestige
- counts as VP in the end
- can be used to perform actions
- requires two previous expansions
Alien Artifacts
- incompatible with previous expansions
- 49 cards representing alien orb players can explore
- balance between expanding and exploring
- fun and quick game
- every player concentrates on their own imperium
- keep an eye what opponent is doing (trading / military)
- cards are dense with information
- I recorded myself playing against computer: [Race for the galaxy - three medium AIs](https://diode.zone/w/rw8z8pqeqAauENSufmgkjV).
- for some reason, you can't follow me outside of the instance
In closing
- - questions, comments, feedback?
- Tuula@mastodon.art
- or even better, record your own episode