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hpr3871 :: HPR Community News for May 2023

HPR Volunteers Rhon, Dave, Reto and Ken talk about shows released and comments posted in May 2023

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Hosted by HPR Volunteers on Monday, 2023-06-05 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Community News. 1.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 01:33:52
Download the transcription and subtitles.

HPR Community News.

A monthly look at what has been going on in the HPR community. This is a regular show scheduled for the first Monday of the month.

New hosts

Welcome to our new host:

Last Month's Shows

Id Day Date Title Host
3846 Mon 2023-05-01 HPR Community News for April 2023 HPR Volunteers
3847 Tue 2023-05-02 All about Synchrotrons Clinton Roy
3848 Wed 2023-05-03 Editing Thunderbird email filters using vim. Some Guy On The Internet
3849 Thu 2023-05-04 trouble shooting Brian in Ohio
3850 Fri 2023-05-05 New Mexico 2 Ahuka
3851 Mon 2023-05-08 Firefox extensions Ken Fallon
3852 Tue 2023-05-09 UDM ubiquiti Setup for 2023 operat0r
3853 Wed 2023-05-10 Creating a Prompt for ChatGPT to generate an HPR show MrX
3854 Thu 2023-05-11 2022-2023 New Years Show Episode 7 HPR Volunteers
3855 Fri 2023-05-12 SSH (or OpenSSH) Escape Sequences Claudio Miranda
3856 Mon 2023-05-15 Painting toy soldiers Klaatu
3857 Tue 2023-05-16 Yesterday I saw a solar flare Andrew Conway
3858 Wed 2023-05-17 The Oh No! News. Some Guy On The Internet
3859 Thu 2023-05-18 My Live in Devices JWP
3860 Fri 2023-05-19 Civilization II Ahuka
3861 Mon 2023-05-22 How To find Things on your home Network JWP
3862 Tue 2023-05-23 Firefox Extensions Archer72
3863 Wed 2023-05-24 HPR episode about ChatGPT produced by ChatGPT MrX
3864 Thu 2023-05-25 2022-2023 New Years Show Episode 8 HPR Volunteers
3865 Fri 2023-05-26 When did the Internet get so boring? Klaatu
3866 Mon 2023-05-29 Introducing myself Ryuno-Ki
3867 Tue 2023-05-30 Leap 15.4 Docker Install JWP
3868 Wed 2023-05-31 News. Some Guy On The Internet

Comments this month

These are comments which have been made during the past month, either to shows released during the month or to past shows. There are 15 comments in total.

Past shows

There are 3 comments on 3 previous shows:

This month's shows

There are 12 comments on 10 of this month's shows:

Mailing List discussions

Policy decisions surrounding HPR are taken by the community as a whole. This discussion takes place on the Mail List which is open to all HPR listeners and contributors. The discussions are open and available on the HPR server under Mailman.

The threaded discussions this month can be found here:

Events Calendar

With the kind permission of we are linking to The Community Calendar.

Quoting the site:

This is the community event calendar, where we track events of interest to people using and developing Linux and free software. Clicking on individual events will take you to the appropriate web page.

Any other business

Server move

We are currently in the process of moving the HPR server. A server has been set up on Amazon AWS, and we are currently setting up a copy of the database, mail system and Mailman mailing list service. The Gitea Git repository has already been moved and is in use. The static site created by rho`n is being set up to provide the main HPR website. Work is being done to provide the interactive facilities that need the database, such as show and comment submission.

Contacting old hosts

The rate of show submission is unusually low this year. The number of active contributors is low too, with a small group of hosts keeping the HPR project from sinking below the waves.

A question for the HPR Community - can we contact old hosts to ask them to contribute again?

Conversion of Windows-1252 characters to UTF-8 Unicode

As mentioned on the last Community News the Windows-1252 characters (aka Latin1) in the database were converted to the UTF-8 Unicode format apparently without exceptions. If anyone finds any unexpected characters in episode titles, summaries, tags or notes from now onwards please let us know and we'll fix them too!


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Comment #1 posted on 2023-06-10 17:47:35 by Mechatroniac


Hi Retro;

Spot welding looks like an excellent way to connect new cells, I remember one video where someone used a couple of car batteries and a momentary switch and got really nice results.

However as these are already used cells, they will fail more quickly. I've had to replace a cell three times recently from the 20 cell battery that I've been using about a year.

The spot welding is harder to take apart, they come that way in factory made batteries and you have to pull or cut them off, which usually leaves some metal still attached. For this reason it is better to use solder for older cells in my opinion.

As for safety, I am tempted to clamp my solder iron to a cell and leave it on maximum heat for 5 minutes to see what happens, probably nothing spectacular. I only heat for about 10 seconds or so max because I don't want to damage it's capacity. The metal of the cell itself acts as kind of a heat sink so it doesn't get as hot as a small component would, and soldering irons are built to melt solder. I've done over 100 solders on to bare cells without mishap or loss in capacity.

The main danger is cutting yourself while taking apart a battery pack, the conductor strips are thin and very sharp when you cut them. Other hazards are shorting stuff out with your metal cutter and seeing bright sparks. I once punctured one of the flat cells by accident and it started to get hot and smoke and smelled awful, but I can't see that happening with 18650s.

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