hpr3802 :: Attack of the Squishmallow
Rho`n records replacing the screen to a MacBook Pro
Hosted by Rho`n on Tuesday, 2023-02-28 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
DIY, Macbook, Macbook Pro, pc repair, repair.
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Duration: 01:36:49
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In this episode, Rho`n records his attempt to replace a broken MacBook Pro display. Content warning: May cause drowsiness—do not listen while driving or operating heavy machinery. On the other hand, it may be conducive to a good nap in which you drift off to sleep while listening to the introduction and wake up in time to hear how things turn out in the end.
Production notes: The "truncate silence" audio effect in your audio editor is your friend. The original recording length was around 2 hrs and 15 minutes. After truncating the silence it was down to 1 hour and 36 minutes.

The transition sound used between audio clips is found on freesound.org:
Name: Harp Transition Music Cue
Author: DanJFilms
License: Creative Commons Zero