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hpr3791 :: My Hardware Problem - Keyboards

I'm always looking for new computer hardware. This is about my keyboards

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Hosted by StarshipTux on Monday, 2023-02-13 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Keyboards, Ducky, Razer, Red Dragon, Cherry, Kailh, MX, Keycaps, HyperX, Pudding. 1.

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Duration: 00:23:38
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Hardware upgrades.

Hosts share their experiences when upgrading their equipment.

I discuss my quest for the perfect keyboard for me.


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Comment #1 posted on 2023-02-13 13:53:22 by Trey

Keyboard Addiction

This was a great perspective on the world of keyboards and customization. I, too, grew up with solid mechanical keyboards. The first PC Keyboard I purchased was a Liton tactile 101 key, and I loved it.

Part of me wants to try to get something which will get me back to the feel of those old keyboards. However, I have friends who have fallen into the addiction of constantly needing to upgrade, rebuild, customize their keyboards, and I could see myself there easily, too.

Thanks again for sharing. Great first episode and I look forward to kearing more of your work.

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