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hpr3778 :: A Squirrel Beeing on Google Products and Google Security

I made a 'beeing" podcast about Google products, interoperability and their lousy security

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Thumbnail of Zen_Floater2
Hosted by Zen_Floater2 on 2023-01-25 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Android, chromebooks, easytether, cellphones, bandwidth, beeing, sucks, QRcodes, healio. 2.
The show is available on the Internet Archive at:

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:20:23


I have a discussion about my Android "WIPING" and how it affected my 2 factor authorization with Google. Further I "beein" some more about Android not being able to authenticate against a known chromebook using GOOGLE SECURITY, what a "beeing" , "beeing"!!!!

And I also cover Google's lousy support for chromebooks through Android, not sharing bandwidth via the cell communication channels. I cover easytether and ask why Google hasn't given chromebooks the same bandwidth access any Android phone would have??? WHY???

Google is so piggish and stupid that Android and chromebooks are almost as if they were separate companies who are in competition with each other instead of two products from the same company.

I also cover the overbearing Android growth via QR codes and programs like healio.


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Comment #1 posted on 2023-01-25 22:10:27 by brian-in-ohio


I was forced to set up 2fa in order to use mutt with my gmail account. The funny thing is when you log into gmail on a web browser on your phone (won't use the gmail app) google politely asks if you want to remember this device so you won't have to 2fa anymore? Not only that the check box comes up prepopulated with a check??? What good is 2fa if you can bypass it with a check mark, and why make me do it in the first place and why populate the checkbox. I'm moving to fastmail

Comment #2 posted on 2023-01-26 00:52:00 by JohnnyLawrence

Whoafully misinformed

I'm a huge fan of HPR and everything it stands for. That includes freedom of speech. I also understand episodes should be viewed in an editorial context. However, I can't help but feel episodes like this drag down the quality of the podcast as a whole.

The "squirrel" is just old man yelling at cloud[1] here. I'm not Google apologist and I consider them pretty evil as a whole. But so many of the things mentioned were just flat incorrect.

1. Google doesn't control any cell phone networks. They don't have any of their own towers.

2. Claiming that Google is throttling your connection because YouTube is fast and transfers from your home server are slow is a pretty big leap. YouTube content is served from a massive CDN which has peering agreements with ISPs all over the world. That content is going be served blazing fast to almost anywhere. Transfers over an ssh connection from a little desktop on a residential connection to a Chromebook tethered to a cell phone will never be comparable.

3. 2FA has little to do with vendor lock in and everything to do with security. I don't own any Android devices. My iPhone and iPad can both be used as the 2nd factor for Google 2FA without issue.

4. Google has nothing to do with QR codes at all.

I could go on but I think you get the point. I don't want to see fact check banners on episodes and I don't want to see posters censored. With that in mind, we have to do better as a community. Better episodes and higher quality content will draw more listeners and thus, more contributors. Let's up the bar and keep HPR alive.


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