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hpr3761 :: HPR Community News for December 2022

HPR Volunteers talk about shows released and comments posted in December 2022

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Hosted by HPR Volunteers on Monday, 2023-01-02 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Community News. 1.
The show is available on the Internet Archive at:

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:44:55

HPR Community News.

A monthly look at what has been going on in the HPR community. This is a regular show scheduled for the first Monday of the month.

New hosts

There were no new hosts this month.

Last Month's Shows

Id Day Date Title Host
3739 Thu 2022-12-01 Multipactors for the masses. one_of_spoons
3740 Fri 2022-12-02 Batch File Variables; Nested Batch Files Ahuka
3741 Mon 2022-12-05 HPR Community News for November 2022 HPR Volunteers
3742 Tue 2022-12-06 Battery Ken Fallon
3743 Wed 2022-12-07 HPR News Some Guy On The Internet
3744 Thu 2022-12-08 Advent of code Day 1 - 4 Daniel Persson
3745 Fri 2022-12-09 Pinecil walkthrough Archer72
3746 Mon 2022-12-12 Cpuinfo Klaatu
3747 Tue 2022-12-13 Twitter and Dinner with the Humans Zen_Floater2
3748 Wed 2022-12-14 The Squirrels gift to HPR Zen_Floater2
3749 Thu 2022-12-15 Making your own parts Deltaray
3750 Fri 2022-12-16 Southern Arizona Ahuka
3751 Mon 2022-12-19 Using Noisetorch Deltaray
3752 Tue 2022-12-20 It only took me 2 years to record using some 'new' hardware Jezra
3753 Wed 2022-12-21 Some thoughts on "Numeronyms" Dave Morriss
3754 Thu 2022-12-22 GOD probably will use a Chromebook Zen_Floater2
3755 Fri 2022-12-23 Synergy over ssh Ken Fallon
3756 Mon 2022-12-26 Verify yourself on Mastodon with PGP and Keyoxide Klaatu
3757 Tue 2022-12-27 Career changes. Some Guy On The Internet
3758 Wed 2022-12-28 First sysadmin job - war story norrist
3759 Thu 2022-12-29 Chatting with dnt. Some Guy On The Internet
3760 Fri 2022-12-30 Bookwyrm Ahuka

Comments this month

These are comments which have been made during the past month, either to shows released during the month or to past shows. There are 14 comments in total.

Past shows

There is 1 comment on 1 previous show:

  • hpr3737 (2022-11-29) "Review of KOBO Libra H20 e-reader" by Rho`n.
    • Comment 1: Aaron Cocker on 2022-12-05: "Kobo e-readers"

This month's shows

There are 13 comments on 8 of this month's shows:

Mailing List discussions

Policy decisions surrounding HPR are taken by the community as a whole. This discussion takes place on the Mail List which is open to all HPR listeners and contributors. The discussions are open and available on the HPR server under Mailman.

The threaded discussions this month can be found here:

Events Calendar

With the kind permission of we are linking to The Community Calendar.

Quoting the site:

This is the community event calendar, where we track events of interest to people using and developing Linux and free software. Clicking on individual events will take you to the appropriate web page.

Any other business

Older HPR shows on, phase 2

Now that all shows from number 1 to the latest have been uploaded to the Internet Archive there are other tasks to perform. We are reprocessing and re-uploading shows in the range 871 to 2429 as explained in the Community News show notes released in May 2022. We are keeping a running total here to show progress:

Month Month count Running total Remainder
2022-04 130 130 1429
2022-05 140 270 1289
2022-06 150 420 1139
2022-07 155 575 984
2022-08 155 730 829
2022-09 150 880 679
2022-10 155 1035 524
2022-11 230 1265 294
2022-12 294 1559 0

Table updated: 2022-12-29 20:54:45

Thanks to all 51 HPR contributors in 2022!


Subscribe to the comments RSS feed.

Comment #1 posted on 2023-03-16 14:53:22 by Kevin O'Brien

Travel journals

I know this is late, but I was traveling when it came out and I'm just catching up now. Dave made a comment that it sounded like I was reading from a journal when he commented on my show about Southern Arizona. Indeed, that has been my practice, going back to a trip to San Francisco in 1979 where I got engaged to my lovely wife. I think it is well worth the effort to keep your memories alive. Now that I am getting up in years I have decided that I don't need more stuff, I just want more memories. So I keep a journal on all of my trips, and I plan to keep doing it.

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If you can't fit everything you want to say in the comment below then you really should record a response show instead.

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