hpr3718 :: Making Ansible playbooks to configure Single Sign On for popular open source applications
A small introduction into my latest project when I spoke at the recent Nextcloud 2022 conference.
Hosted by Jeroen Baten on Wednesday, 2022-11-02 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
ansible, playbooks, sso, keycloak, single sign on.
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Duration: 00:03:59
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This series will try and explain the basics of networking to the listener as well as introduce more detailed topics.
This is a recording of a short introduction into my latest project.
To help sysadmins everywhere the Onestein organization (an organization specialized in Odoo implementations) invested 4 month of research to create a set of easy to use Ansible playbooks to configure single sign on (SSO) for popular open source applications to enable them to authenticate to a Keycloak server as the central identity provider.
These playbooks have been published on https://github.com/onesteinbv/project_single_sign_on.
The list of supported applications are currently:
- Bitwarden
- Jenkins
- Gitlab
- Keycloak (not SSO, but the identity provider)
- Nextcloud
- Odoo
- Xwiki
- Zabbix
All playbooks and servers are for Ubuntu servers and are meant to be used as a starting point.
5 minute YouTube talk at the 2022 Nextcloud conference about this