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hpr3712 :: The last ever Show

The team talk about the nearly 12 years of producing

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Hosted by Team on 2022-10-25 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY license.
music, creative commons, podcast. 2.
The show is available on the Internet Archive at:

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 01:35:56


Over 12 years ago, Jon "The Nice Guy" Spriggs went to a "Pod Crawl" with (among others) Dave "The Love Bug" Lee, where he pitched the idea of a daily music promotion show, with a twist - it would all be automated, and use text-to-speech to introduce everything.

The first show was released on 2010-10-24 and the last ever show (this one) was released on 2022-10-12.

Over the twelve years, Jon would go on to meet to meet Yannick and Ken Fallon, both of whom would go on to shape changes (big and small) to CCHits.

This year, the cracks started to re-appear in the architecture underneath CCHits - between APIs shutting down that were used to load tracks to CCHits, and the general framework being used to write CCHits not receiving the care and attention it needed... and the team finally decided to stop adding new tracks, and let the process build the last few shows.

This podcast gives you a peek behind the curtain to the team involved in the system, and gives you some of the high- and low-lights in the 12 years the site ran for.


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Comment #1 posted on 2022-10-27 05:23:27 by Some Guy On The Internet

I've never heard of this site until now.

Sad to hear the project is ending but I’m happy to know it existed. I love the theme played at the end of the show; how do I find that track? I searched the Internet Archives to find more hits. Are there other sites like this? I now have a hunger for CC music.

Comment #2 posted on 2022-10-29 11:12:15 by thelovebug

CCHits theme tune

SGOTI: the theme is GMZ by Scott Altham

It is a shame about CCHits' demise, as it as such a good project to be involved in.

As far as other CC music sites are concerned, there is Jamendo and the Free Music Archive, but they both have their own quirks and foibles.

Shows that select and feature CC music - like The Bugcast (disclosure: my own show) - filter out a lot of the chaff, and probably insert some too!


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