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hpr3702 :: Easter Ogg

From Scotland, another chat between MrX and Dave Morriss

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Thumbnail of Dave Morriss
Hosted by Dave Morriss on 2022-10-11 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
chat, old technology, organiser. 1.
The show is available on the Internet Archive at:

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 01:02:02




We recorded this on Monday September 12th 2022. We have a list of talking points each time and never get through them!

Topics discussed

  • Navigation by phone:
    • Dave’s phone battery out of charge on the outskirts of Liverpool on the way to OggCamp.
    • MrX’s old Garmin GPS used weird routes when travelling
    • Dave once met a lost driver going down Donkey Lane1 to the pedestrian railway crossing due to bad GPS directions
  • Domestic stuff:
    • Dave’s house has been painted. It’s covered in harling (aka rough-cast or pebble-dash in England) which has very sharp stones embedded in it, and this paint covers these sharp stones.
    • Plumbing issues: stopping a dripping tap, replacing the washer, or with modern taps the module.
    • Advisability of calling in a plumber!
  • COVID-19, and related:
    • The virus has not gone, even though there are many who pretend that it has.
    • MrX and MrsX visited St Bees for a wedding with a Cèilidh and MrX caught COVID there, though it wasn’t serious. MrsX did not catch it!
    • Immunology is hard to understand! Some cold-like illnesses may be caused by other corona viruses and may help protect against SARS-CoV-2.
    • Dave has an Immunology book, but hasn’t read it yet! See the links for details.
    • MrX mentioned Richard J Murphy in the context of being realistic about COVID-19 and continuing to take precautions.
    • Reluctance to go shopping. Dave makes a weekly trip, wearing a mask. MrX uses Click and Collect.
    • Dave has lost weight so some of his clothes are too big. MrX has trouble finding smaller sized clothes when shopping.
  • Old technology:
    • MrX recently found a box in his wardrobe with six Psion 3c Organisers in it, in various states of disrepair. From these a functioning organiser was made, which is in regular use.
    • MrX used to have a Psion Series 3a but the hinge failed.
    • Dave had a Psion Series 5mx for a time, as did MrsX. Dave’s failed either because of a screen fault or a failure of the ribbon cable connecting to the screen.
    • The Series 3c, and the later 3mx, have an Easter Egg available through a particular key sequence. This is a rendition of the anthem “Jerusalem”, and is included at the end of this episode (and is responsible for the show title).
    • Dave had had a Psion Organiser II at work in the early days of organisers, but it was not particularly useful.
    • MrX had an Atari Portfolio. He describes it as: a dreadful machine running DOS 2.11
      It regularly crashed, losing all its memory. I decided to ditch it after having to type out my contacts list every time it crashed.
    • MrX also had a Nokia N810, an Internet Tablet running Linux.
    • Dave couldn’t quite remember at the time of recording, but he bought a used Nokia 770 on eBay, which was the predecessor of the N810. This was also a Linux-based system, but it didn’t last more than a couple of weeks sadly.
    • Both bought - and still have - the ASUS Eee PC. Dave’s is the 1005HA model.
      • MrX still uses his from time to time
      • Dave is thinking about installing a BSD flavour on his, but doesn’t use it often. It currently has CrunchBang installed.
  • Telegram:
    • Dave runs it on his desktop (and laptop) as well as two phones. The phones run KDE Connect and are configured to tell the desktop when a message arrives!
  • HPR New Year show:
    • HonkeyMagoo (of the Linux LUGCast podcast) does a lot of the work with the recording in conjunction with Ken. He divides up the audio into shows, and in past years has prepared show notes.
    • This year a LUGCast listener HPLovecraft did the notes, and they are very good!


MrX found the Easter Egg, mentioned during our chat, on his Psion Series 3C, recorded it via Audacity, and sent me the resulting Easter Ogg! It has been appended to the main recording.

  • Instant Messaging:
    • Telegram
      • Owned by a Russian billionaire.

  1. Donkey Lane is a public right of way, possibly since the 1700’s. It starts as a pedestrian-only pathway then turns into a narrow tarmac-covered roadway with a pedestrian-only railway crossing.↩︎


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Comment #1 posted on 2022-10-12 12:22:43 by Kinghezy


The closing song gave me a start, as it is a tune setting in our church 's psalter/hymnal. What a great tune.

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