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hpr3678 :: "Stupid Users" ... no, not those users, the other "stupid users"

Brady & I discuss stupid things done by those of us who really should know better.

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Thumbnail of Lurking Prion
Hosted by Lurking Prion on Wednesday, 2022-09-07 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
cybersecurity, security, EvilSteve, users, stupid human tricks, customer service. 4.

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Duration: 00:15:07
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In this week's episode, I chat with R. Brady Frost about the little plumber vs the gigantic rock. Then we move in to a discussion about the fallacy of stupid users with some great stories of stupid things done by those of us who really should know better. The moral of the story, is that we are all human and nothing will ever change that. Instead, we need to be prepared for when humans are human.


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Comment #1 posted on 2022-09-08 02:26:41 by Some Guy On The Internet

Stupid="NO BACKUPS!"

Success is the last step you make on a flight of stairs called Failure; and if you’re like me you’ll take one more tiny step then fall. You’re Co-host is correct; backups for the win. I do “stupid” things often on my system. When the mistake seems to cost more than 2 hrs of my time, “nuke” the system then run “” to restore from backups. My stairway has more steps than I’m allowed to know, so I’ll be on my way. Thanks for the show.

Comment #2 posted on 2022-09-09 20:22:35 by Lurking Prion

No Backups

The lack of preparation for failure is the failure to be prepared.
I agree that we all fall. In security we blame the user for our failure to be prepared for that eventuality. Failing at home is expected as we are one person. In an enterprise there is a team preparing for this. The problem is that preparation requires time and money which are more often than not denied as a business decision.
There is a lot more on this topic coming in the future.
Glad you enjoyed the show!

Comment #3 posted on 2022-09-09 20:32:04 by Lurking Prion

Not a podcast

This is a pre-emptive strike as I dont want to be the next Linux Inlaws. The shows I am posting are not a podcast. This and the next show have intro's and outro's as they were loaded a while ago and I was trying different things. So, please forgive the apparent hubris and accept my apologies if anyone is offended by this. I was just hacking the format.

Comment #4 posted on 2022-09-10 02:03:25 by Some Guy On The Internet

You're Fine (...preemptive strike).

I know recent events have raised some questions, but there’s no need to be concerned. Just remember to say “I Use Arch, btw!” before starting the show and talk about doing everything in the terminal. Toss in a Window Manager (bspwn, because it sounds cool) and a quick mention of Vim then you’re all good. Once a host had to go into hiding for speaking ill of the “Mighty Think Pad” but they’re safe now.

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