hpr3666 :: One Weird Trick
I talk about getting into or advancing in cybersecurity & how keyboards could trick malware.
Hosted by Lurking Prion on Monday, 2022-08-22 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
cybersecurity, security, EvilSteve, malware, career.
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Duration: 00:16:37
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In this episode, I talk about getting in to the field of cybersecurity or moving up in the field. I also talk about how keyboards could keep malware from going Boom on your system.
Try This One Weird Trick Russian Hackers Hate
https://krebsonsecurity.com/2021/05/try-this-one-weird-trick-russian-hackers-hate/Fake VM Sandbox artifacts - not talked about in this episode
https://github.com/NavyTitanium/Fake-Sandbox-ArtifactsHas your password been involved in a breach?
https://haveibeenpwned.com/Realtime Global Cyber Attack Map