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hpr3646 :: arm, slackware, forth oh my!

a description of a laptop

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Hosted by Brian in Ohio on 2022-07-25 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
raspberry pi, hardware. (Be the first).
The show is available on the Internet Archive at:

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:13:54


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pi-top the company

  • make educational products using the rasp-pi
  • uk based company 24 million $ funding 3 employees
  • products
    • pitop ceed
    • pitop 2 laptop
    • pitop 3 laptop
    • pitop 4 case+ for rpi4
    • robot kit, etc

my pi-top 3

  • had a pi-top 2, keyboard was bad, battery was worse
  • ebay purchase pi-top 3, wanted to try new form factor and see if the battery was better
  • came with experimentor kit, included a slide in solderless breadboard, and an rpi!
  • description
  • modifications
    • slackware install,lost some of the built in scripts that monitored the system, especially battery monitoring
    • added a daughter board with an atmega328 running forth to do the battery monitoring
    • added an rtc ds1307, installed via instructions from the sarpi website
  • pluses
    • better keyboard, with better mechanical design
    • better battery life, charging great
    • better screen
  • minuses
    • charging board seems closed source, that would be the keys to the kingdom
    • old software hard to come by
    • stuck in rpi3 form factor
  • plans
    • +upgrade to slackware 15-64 bit+
    • leave the rpi and go to a pineboard
    • reverse engineer charging board?
    • easier to modify case to accept new hardware


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