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hpr3638 :: Ken drops a bear on his android phone

How to enable sftp using a sshd server on android/lineageos

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Thumbnail of Ken Fallon
Hosted by Ken Fallon on 2022-07-13 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
SimpleSSHD, SSH2, dropbear, android, lineageos, primitive ftpd. (Be the first).
The show is available on the Internet Archive at:

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:05:16


I have previously used to enable sftp to my android phone

For more information on How to mount remote storage using sshfs, see hpr1944 :: sshfs - Secure SHell FileSystem

Also you will need to know about some useful tools for working with Android Devices hpr3515 :: ADB and scrcpy


I found

SimpleSSHD is an SSH2 server based on dropbear that supports scp, sftp, and rsync. It only supports public-key based authentication (no password/interactive auth except for bootstrapping). It does not use root, which means it must listen on a port over 1024 (defaults to port 2222).

Install from fdroid

Start Screen

Changing Port Number

Changing Path


laptop$ adb root
laptop$ adb shell
phone: # cd /data/user/0/org.galexander.sshd/files
phone:/data/user/0/org.galexander.sshd/files # ls -al
total 56
drwxrwx--x 2 u0_a268 u0_a268 4096 2022-06-17 12:06 .
drwx------ 6 u0_a268 u0_a268 4096 2022-06-17 11:59 ..
-rw-rw-rw- 1 root    root     490 2022-06-17 12:05 authorized_keys
-rw------- 1 u0_a268 u0_a268  475 2022-06-17 12:07 dropbear.err
-rw------- 1 u0_a268 u0_a268  650 2022-06-17 12:03 dropbear.err.old
-rw------- 1 u0_a268 u0_a268    6 2022-06-17 12:06
-rw------- 1 u0_a268 u0_a268   83 2022-06-17 12:03 dropbear_ed25519_host_key

Commands to run

phone:/data/user/0/org.galexander.sshd/files # restorecon -F authorized_keys
SELinux: Loaded file_contexts
phone:/data/user/0/org.galexander.sshd/files # chmod 600 authorized_keys
phone:/data/user/0/org.galexander.sshd/files # chown u0_a268:u0_a268 authorized_keys


phone:/data/user/0/org.galexander.sshd/files # ls -al
total 56
drwxrwx--x 2 u0_a268 u0_a268 4096 2022-06-17 12:06 .
drwx------ 6 u0_a268 u0_a268 4096 2022-06-17 11:59 ..
-rw------- 1 u0_a268 u0_a268  490 2022-06-17 12:05 authorized_keys
-rw------- 1 u0_a268 u0_a268  475 2022-06-17 12:07 dropbear.err
-rw------- 1 u0_a268 u0_a268  650 2022-06-17 12:03 dropbear.err.old
-rw------- 1 u0_a268 u0_a268    6 2022-06-17 12:06
-rw------- 1 u0_a268 u0_a268   83 2022-06-17 12:03 dropbear_ed25519_host_key

laptop$ sshfs -p 2222 /mnt/phone/


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