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hpr3615 :: I am a troll and I'm trolling HPR, trolling HPR, trolling HPR.

We got trolled and what we're going to do about it.

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Thumbnail of Ken Fallon
Hosted by Ken Fallon on 2022-06-10 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
troll, policy change. 3.
The show is available on the Internet Archive at:

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Duration: 00:26:48


In today's show Dave and I will read out the mail list thread we didn't cover in the Community News.

Before we get to that, I wanted to inform you that we now know that the host in question was deliberately trolling HPR.

I know this because they told me, and when I asked them to stop they went on to explain that they are a gadfly. I had to look that one up.

Whatever they claim to be, the end effect for us is trolling.

Both Josh and Myself have had some unnecessary stressful weeks for someone's idea of a joke.

That said there have been some positives about this as well.

Again we see the HPR community at its best in providing support and reasoned arguments.

We have identified a possible loop hole in governance, that has been addressed by having a special advisory committee aka the auditor team of volunteers.

And when we come up with a way of dealing with troll issues, we also get a mechanism to deal with DMCA take down requests, and other complaints.

So what do we do with a troll ? Easy, just ignore them, or to put it another way "Stay Calm and Go On".

This works well for comments but its not enough when the tactic is deliberate targeting of HPR.

A lot of effort has gone into this attack:

  • First they built trust by posting technical shows. This is a similar tactic that we see spammers use.
  • Then they submitted a series of shows that would cause HPR legal issues.
  • They then did not respond to questions, presumably in the hope that we would delete the shows ourselves.

By moving the shows out to later in the queue we were able to avoid claims of "censorship", and they eventually removed the problem shows of their own accord.

So what attack vector will be used next, and how will we deal with it ?

I have no idea, but how to deal with it is also not so easy. We'll have to cross that bridge when we come to it.

We do however need to tackle the risky situation of having problem content available on the website.

So I suggest that we continue to post the shows as normal, if we get a complaint then the Janitors will contact the host as normal.

Should they be unavailable, uncooperative, or disagree, then the Janitors can either move the show to the backup queue, or hide it depending on the severity of the complaint.

In all cases we'll keep the special advisory committee aka the auditor team of volunteers in the loop to make sure all is above board.

The community can then decide on the best course of action.

So therefore I would like to propose the following changes to our policies.

Both relate to

Currently: "We do not vet, edit, moderate or in any way censor any of the audio you submit, we trust you to do that."

Proposed: "We do not vet, edit, moderate or in any way censor any of the audio you submit, we trust you not to upload anything that will harm HPR."

Add the line: "Any material that is reported as harming HPR may be unlisted until such a time as the situation can be resolved."


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Comment #1 posted on 2022-06-10 21:28:33 by Windigo


I'm disappointed to hear that someone took it upon themselves to deliberately waste the time and resources of the volunteers that keep HPR running. If anything, this episode has highlighted just how upstanding all of you are.

Thank you to all the janitors, and our host, for keeping things running!

Comment #2 posted on 2022-06-12 15:08:58 by FXB

A Troll is a Troll.

Ken, Dave et al continue to do a stellar job keeping HPR in good order and making it a shining example of cooperation and information sharing amongst several intersecting communities.

I do however have to stress, there is nothing whatsoever constructive in the motives of whoever submitted the shows in question as the topic of this show.

If what I'm gathering from this show (and I could be wrong) is the issue making the shows submitted problematic both ethically and potentially even legally for HPR and its volunteer staff, the person(s) submitting such content are in no way shape or form a Gadfly as they appear to have claimed.

They are. Just. A Troll.

The term Gadfly, used in the intended context, is very specific.

A Gadfly is someone who asks potentially upsetting questions, usually to authorities, at THEIR OWN risk, in the pursuit of truth.

Attempting to put others (I.E. the HPR staff) at risk by using them as a platform to spread what is essentially hate speech, be it in seriousness or just to cause upset, is just trolling.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Ken and Dave are (rightfully) careful in how they discuss the situation, and I do believe, in so far as HPR show output is concerned, they have taken the right approach.

Well done.

Comment #3 posted on 2022-06-13 19:05:56 by Mechatroniac

fucking bullshit

The things I posted were matters of opinion but sure, I'm evil and engaged in hate speech to destroy the platform... OK maaaan. There was no hate speech in anything I posted and you know it.

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