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hpr3576 :: First impressions of Ubuntu 22.04 as a daily driver.

Knightwise gives his first impressions on the latest LTS release of Ubuntu

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Thumbnail of knightwise
Hosted by knightwise on 2022-04-18 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
ubuntu, linux, desktop, open-source. 3.
The show is available on the Internet Archive at:

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:23:00


Knightwise gives us a good first impression of the Ubuntu 22.04 release and answers the question if its ready for prime time. We go down a little rabbithole on why there will never be a year of the Linux desktop.

The app mentioned to Sync Onedrive with Ubuntu is Insync:

The podcast about Knightwise's favorite command line apps is here:

The podcast mentioned 'Linux for a Living" can be found here:


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Comment #1 posted on 2022-04-18 22:04:03 by Some Guy On The Internet


I agree with you on some things like, not having time to tinker on a production machine, it just needs to work. However, I wouldn’t broad brush the Linux community as “bearded geeks” living in a trailer because they choose something different. I’ll do a show as a proper response but I’m happy you’re enjoying Ubuntu 22.04.

Comment #2 posted on 2022-04-19 16:34:20 by Zen_floater2

Your review

Hi. I'm a 40 plus year veteran of commercial software development, now retired.
I actually started writing commercial software in
1966. Open standards are our new standard.
It's taken me 30 years to accept this fact.
I found your opinions appalling and believe you should just return to using windows as your only operating system. While I clearly understand your needs, I see no future for the roll over and play dead attitude you've taken.
I also am a bearded person who lives in the woods and has a shotgun. And I use openbsd and Slackware on any cheap, low powered laptop I find in dumpsters.

Comment #3 posted on 2022-04-28 15:11:01 by Ken Fallon

How do you pay for software ?

Hi Knightwise,

While I enjoy your podcast, I must say your attitude seems to be a little selfish. You've been around the community long enough to know that the development relies on people taking the time to report bugs. Yet you say "I never report bugs ... the technology just needs to work for you. ... Cannot afford to spend hours and hours tinkering...". How do you expect the bug Mate may/may not have with BlueTooth on Lenovo to be magically fixed if they don't know it's broken ?

Given you use "Linux as a daily driver", you have your own business, you pay for OneDrive, and you can happily pay €50 for closed software, I wonder do you also subscribe to Ubuntu ?
1x UA Infrastructure - Essential (Desktop) $25.00 / year

As for not worrying about the desktop, as all apps are in the cloud let me point you to:


I'm also around long enough to know that the more the merrier. Back in the day the "too many ${software}" argument was been leveled at XFCE and then the Raspberry Pi arrived and needed a Desktop. Now it's one of the most used environments out there.

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