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hpr3565 :: Heavy Hacking down in the quarry.

How to adjust a toggle plate on a MOBICAT MC 120 PRO Jaw Crusher

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Hosted by timttmy on 2022-04-01 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
quarry, hacking, Health and Safety. 5.
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Duration: 00:07:48


Another trip down the quarry with Marshall aka Timtimmy. Today he's changing the toggle plate on a MOBICAT MC 120 PRO Jaw Crusher. We've already covered it before but there is a brief refresher about the hydraulic, and pneumatic systems before we get to changing the plate itself. As always be sure you follow the safety instructions provided by the manufacturer.

Photo of the MOBICAT MC 120 PRO Jaw Crusher

Photo of the MOBICAT MC 120 PRO Jaw Crusher



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Comment #1 posted on 2022-03-28 13:38:07 by Jeremiah Schroeder

Couldn't agree more

Hi timttmy,

I couldn't agree with you more about the Bison 120 Jaw Crusher. The same thing happened to me - just outside warranty as well.

Love the show !


Comment #2 posted on 2022-03-28 13:44:48 by K. Olin

Great show

Hi from Fredericksburg Quarry in the great state of Virginia

You forgot to say what pressure you needed to get the manifold up to before you applied the gasket cover. Also I was wondering who your supplier was for the hangrifts ? Mobicat are no longer supplying them (for the 100 at least). I can't seem to find them over on this side of the pond.

Any help would be appreciated. Shipping State Side is not a problem.

Comment #3 posted on 2022-03-28 15:04:42 by Clayton Miner

This brings back memories

Hi Marshall

I retired from the flintstone trade more than 20 years ago. It was great to hear the familiar sounds of a quarry again in the background. Was that a Pallmann Granulator that I heard five minutes in while you were working on the perforation grid ?

You don't know how lucky you are with these modern marvels. We mostly had Dodges where we worked, and even brand new they were a pain to maintain. Still those were a huge step up from the old Blake crusher the boss and his pa bought in Philly. Man we all hated that thing, especially five finger Fred. Even now they drag it out for every company picnic.

It was a right of passage for every new apprentice to get that back to life for day.

Good times.

Thanks Again.


Comment #4 posted on 2022-04-02 04:22:35 by Windigo

Thanks for the contribution

Thanks for the wonderfully informative episode! Another one to tuck into my list of favorites.

Also, I know we take episodes regardless of audio, but thanks so much for putting effort into getting such a high quality recording. It really made a world of difference.

Looking forward to your next episode!

Comment #5 posted on 2022-04-05 21:14:19 by jezra

I started falling asleep

The sound of the rock crusher was lulling. I'm now in the process of making an hour long loop to help me sleep at night.

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