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hpr3531 :: Barrier: Software KVM

A brief inroduction to the Barrier software KVM

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Thumbnail of Windigo
Hosted by Windigo on Monday, 2022-02-14 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
kvm, Barrier, network, keyboard, mouse. 3.

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Duration: 00:17:19
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This episode is a quick software recommendation/introduction to Barrier. Barrier is a software KVM, forked from Synergy. It sends your keystrokes and mouse input over the network, so that you can share your input devices between computers.


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Comment #1 posted on 2022-02-16 15:14:26 by Trey

Old school KVMs

Thank you for sharing. I remember taking apart old, mechanical KVM switches to clean the contacts for more reliable operation.
I still have several electronic KVMs floating around, but haven's had the need in quite some time. I definitely need to look into using Barrier.

Keep up the great work.

Comment #2 posted on 2022-06-30 15:08:04 by Ken Fallon

Excellent !


Used this today. A massive improvement on synergy

Comment #3 posted on 2024-12-01 00:41:06 by SolusSpider - Peter Paterson

Fellow user of Barrier, and also InputLeap.

Greetings Windigo,
We have a very similar story of how we started using Barrier, after both us being Synergy users.
My main use of Barrier is in in my home network mostly between my desktop PC running PCLinuxOS as the host and a laptop running Solus as a client.
In a recent Solus update Barrier disappeared!
Discovered in the update blog that Barrier had been forked to new software named InputLeap.
Their site is:
On that site they state: "Input Leap is a fork of barrier, by barrier's active maintainers. Currently, barrier is considered unmaintained."
PCLinuxOS have yet to make this change, but the great news is that InputLeap and Barrier work together seamlessly.

I do notice that you have also recorded this show:
hpr4191 :: rkvm software KVM
Sounds like a good solution to a specific keyboard issue.
I look forward to listening to that show.

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