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Ken (PA7KEN) and Beni (HB9HNT) talk about getting your HAM ticket in Switzerland

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Hosted by beni on Friday, 2022-01-07 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Swiss, BAKOM, HamRadioTrainer, HB9. 1.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:48:10
Download the transcription and subtitles.

HAM radio.

A series about all things Amateur Radio/HAM Radio.

HAM Radio Organizations

The HAM Page of the Swiss Federal Office of Communications, BAKOM:

Union of Swiss Short Wave Amateurs, they manage the local associations and the use of the frequencies for relays and automated stations:


Most likely the best way to prepare for the exam is attending a preparation course from a local Association, of have a brother who did and forwarded all the background info and documents to me. ;) But apart from having a brother I did the following:

The online version of the books I read: - again in German. They're mainly geared towards the German exams but the knowledge contained is useful for the Swiss exams, too.

I mainly used the HamRadioTrainer to prepare for the exam. This is a Windows application which however works pretty well in wine. I was told that the Swiss questions are rather old, 2017ish.

I was told that there are mobile apps with more recent questions but I couldn't be bothered to check whether they exist on F-Droid.

The BAKOM also has a site about the exams, containing PDFs with example questions, of course again everything in German:


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Comment #1 posted on 2022-01-11 04:02:01 by baffled

Nice show!

Hi Ken and Beni: It was a great show thank you. Things have sure changed since I got my ticket. I'm looking forward to future episodes in this series.

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