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hpr3485 :: 50 years since the 1st Edition of Unix was published

Ken (Fallon not Thompson) checks his unix like computer to see how many commands still exist.

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Thumbnail of Ken Fallon
Hosted by Ken Fallon on 2021-12-10 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
unix, unix commands. 2.
The show is available on the Internet Archive at:

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:12:27


top ten of the first unix commands

50 years after the 1st Edition of Unix was published, Ken (Fallon not Thompson) checks his unix like computer to see how many commands still exist (38) and how many are not installed by default (23).

Thanks to @bsdimp on twitter for the post. Also to and for the tip.

Packages I don't have installed

Many are available under another name but I have not installed them. Seven of the of the twenty two relates to tapes.

B     -- language
bas   -- basic
bcd   -- binary coded decimal conversion
boot  -- reboot system
chdir -- change working directory
check -- file system consistency check
db    -- debug
dbppt -- dump binary paper tape
dsw   -- delete interactively
dtf   -- DECtape format
for   -- fortran
form  -- form letter generator
hup   -- hang up typewriter
lbppt -- load binary paper tapes
rew   -- rewind tape
rkd   -- dump RK disk to tape
rkf   -- format RKO3 disk pack
rkl   -- reload RK disk from tape
roff  -- format text
sdate -- set date and time
tap   -- manipulate DECtape
tm    -- provide time information
un    -- undefined symbols
     1  10108 ls
     2   2847 find
     3   1985 rm
     4   1482 mv
     5    887 cat
     6    649 for
     7    544 mkdir
     8    341 cp
     9    280 rmdir
    10    202 df


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Comment #1 posted on 2021-11-24 15:52:56 by monochromec

The show

Great show - this of course is an ugly mirror showing exactly how time flies and how we have been getting old ever since...

Comment #2 posted on 2022-01-07 12:44:28 by wynaut

thanks great show

agree with prev comment, listener who just turned 51 :)

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