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hpr3474 :: H P R and Audio Fun

Comments on show and audio processing

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Hosted by operat0r on 2021-11-25 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
audio. 4.
The show is available on the Internet Archive at:

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:11:11



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Comment #1 posted on 2021-11-27 12:19:46 by Ken Fallon

No please don't add silence to the audio

Hi All,

It is a great idea to record a piece of silence to use as a "Noise profile" for using with the "Effect > Noise Reduction" feature in Audacity. However please do this *before* you upload it to HPR.

It is opening a can of worms to ask hosts to submit this before having a process in place to deal with it. If we learned anything from is it included or not Intro Outro thing, is that everyone will do their own thing. Will the silence be at the beginning or the end ? What if it's in the middle ? Was the silence intentional ? Will truncate silence work ?

So great idea for a host but please, please, please do not do this.

Comment #2 posted on 2021-12-06 22:02:50 by Operat0r

replace Ken Fallon with a script

"Cannot be automated!!!?!??!" Ooohhhhhh Shame !!! Alexa? Siri? Neural networks?? Everything can (and will....) be automated! I would start with detection of "notes" similar how singing autotune can make people almost sound like they can sing. Where the audio is checked for n length of music .. id it's near the beginning and matches the intro music by n% then they included the intro and if the notes don't match maybe it's some other "music" or "singing" ? Same for outro.


**Struck a nerve there** <3

You make a good point about messing with people's audio.

I imagine a fully automated system that will manage at least 75% of uploads ;)

What if you only had to answer one question?

Choose an option:

1) Let HPR edit your audio:
- remove noise
- detect presence intro
- detect presence outro
- ???

2) do not edit my audio

Comment #3 posted on 2021-12-07 12:19:28 by Ken Fallon

Thanks for Volunteering

Hi Operat0r,

Thanks for volunteering to do this. Once we have the script up and running then we can announce it to the general population.


Comment #4 posted on 2021-12-10 00:50:25 by Operat0r


Yah. I caught the Spanish episode and thought I could try a rough translation to English with the script I wrote to speech to text "any" media.

Detection of standard HPR intro should be possible and if I'm lucky I can detect any non standard like humming etc but I only ever done basic darknet training with images.

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