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hpr3466 :: Why HPR has less downloads

A short summary on why podcast listening might be on decline.

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Thumbnail of JWP
Hosted by JWP on 2021-11-15 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
podcasts, dowloads. 1.
The show is available on the Internet Archive at:

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Duration: 00:09:11


I did a show about why I do not listen to non-mainstream podcasts as much as I used to. For me two things happened: I switched from being in the car for 16 hours a week to being a remote sales person at home. So the 16 hours I listened to podcasts every week in the car went away. The second reason I reduced was that many of the podcasts I was listening to were presented by people who do not share my values. So I stopped listening to them. The third reason I listen less is the Army opened up the online book library to retired service members and I do a lot of audio books in the moment.


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Comment #1 posted on 2021-11-15 16:49:20 by Ken Fallon

On the rise again

Just checked the last quarter and there has been a recovery of subscribers up 11,000 to prelockdown levels. This I suspect was triggered by the return to work and loosing of restrictions.

As winter hits the Northern Hemisphere and another wave approaches, I predict a falling of numbers again.

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