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hpr3447 :: BlacKernel's Journey Into Technology: Episode 2

In which BlacKernel struggles to talk about Windows

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Hosted by BlacKernel on 2021-10-19 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
technology, windows, w*ndows, losedows, introductions, linux, dos. (Be the first).
The show is available on the Internet Archive at:

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Duration: 00:20:49


Talking Points

  • W*ndows Power User
    • Programmed a few Visual BASIC programs, but was underwhelmed with how BASIC the programming language was
    • Tried installing Python and Ruby to much frustration
    • Tried installing Cygw*n to make Python/Ruby easier to work with
    • Read on the Cygw*n site about something called Linux
    • Started working with C and C++
  • Customizing my deck
    • Tried to customize as much as I could about my W*ndows install
    • Utilized tools to change the boot logo, the start menu, the init scripts, etc.
    • Hit a few snags with problems boot-looping, not loading graphically, etc
    • Tried editing the W*ndows registry and realized that the programs I was using to edit the operating system necessarily break the security and stability of the OS
    • Didn't really know/care about open source, but was getting frustrated that I wasn't able to just reach in to my system's code to fix it.

Show Notes

Important Links:

  • I couldn't really find any of the stuff that I used and, at this point, I'm not super motivated to find them.

Wikipedia Articles:

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