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hpr3381 :: Learning to skate

Klaatu goes for a walk, and talks about learning to ride a skateboard

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Hosted by Klaatu on 2021-07-19 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
skateboard. 2.
The show is available on the Internet Archive at:

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:35:52


Apologies for the heavy breathing. I chose (unwisely, in terms of audio) to walk up a steep hill.


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Comment #1 posted on 2021-07-21 21:47:15 by Jon Kulp

Consultant available

I LOVED this episode! Props to you for learning this as an adult, that's really cool. It was wonderful hearing about the sensation of euphoria you felt when you first did various maneuvers. It's easy for me to forget when this feels like because it happened so long ago for me. I was a competitive skateboarder on halfpipes in the 80s and have a ton of experience, so if you ever need a human being to talk through any of this with, hit me up. It will be fun for me.

Glad to hear you will be getting some safety equipment, but you did not mention one of the most important safety items, a pair of wrist guards. Most of the time when people fall they put their hands out to catch themselves, and it's very easy to break a wrist this way. Get yourself some good wrist guards because because you're going to need your hands.

Have fun and be safe!

Comment #2 posted on 2021-07-21 22:12:36 by Jon Kulp

Skate Shoes

Forgot to mention: you should not have to pay that much for a decent pair of shoes. A much more affordable option is Converse Chuck Taylor high tops. Those are the shoes I wore until I got my first pair of Vans high tops. The Chuck Taylors have excellent grip on the board, though they don't have any ankle padding. If you lace em up nice and tight you get good support against turning your ankle, but they won't protect you if your board bangs into your ankle. The Vans high tops are excellent in every respect. I think I got a pair for about $50 several years ago but maybe they cost more now.

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