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hpr3377 :: Chromebook support and more

I've run into disaster using my chrome book

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Thumbnail of Zen_Floater2
Hosted by Zen_Floater2 on 2021-07-13 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
chromebook, AntiX, NomadBSD, GUIX, bath. 3.
The show is available on the Internet Archive at:

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:16:34


I've made a special show covering the problem with chromebook support.
I cover the latest AntiX release.
I cover the latest NomadBSD release and I cover GUIX 1.3 and what I ended up using GUIX for.


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Comment #1 posted on 2021-07-13 09:43:18 by Clinton Roy


that was..something

Comment #2 posted on 2021-08-08 05:22:47 by Guardian

Lousy sound quality abuses audience.

Sorry but running the water while recording is a real F-U to your audience. I hope we will never be subjected to another HPR episode that does that. One was way too many IMO.

Comment #3 posted on 2021-09-30 17:02:55 by FSA

Sound Quality Trolling?

l'm not a sound quality snob, and I'm happy to listen to shows recorded with *unintentionally* not great audio as long as the subject matter is interesting to me. But I think it's another matter to intentionally create bad sound quality. Was it a joke? Just trying to make a point? Or just straight up trolling (which is what I suspect based on some of the other passing comments)? Whatever the answer, chalk up one more comment / vote against the idea of intentionally creating a bad experience for your listeners

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