hpr3347 :: Ethical Analysis of Renewable Energy and Conservation
I read a paper I wrote about the ethical issues of renewable energy and conservation efforts.
Hosted by Paul Quirk on Tuesday, 2021-06-01 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Ethics, renewable, energy, poverty, solar, wind, conservation, green.
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Original essay:
- Bedard, Paul (2010, March 23). High Energy Costs for the Poor Might Push Action in Congress. Washington Whispers, U.S. News, Sunday, April 11, 2010 https://www.usnews.com
- Colton, Roger D. (1994, July/August). Energy and Low-Income Housing: Part I Energy Policy Hurts The Poor. NHI Shelterforce. Issue #76. Retrieved from https://www.nhi.org
- Ellen (2008, October 4). Poverty and Crime [Web log message], retrieved from Defining Canada, https://www.definingcanada.ca
- Fellegi, Ivan P. (1997, September). On poverty and low income, retrieved March 31, 2010 from Statistics Canada web site, https://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/13f0027x/13f0027x1999001-eng.htm
- Minu (2010, April 2). Lamps | Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL) [Web log message]. Retrieved from House Construction in India, https://houseconstructionindia.blogspot.com
- Patel, Julie (2010, March 11). NAACP and FPL: Saving too much energy hurts the poor [web log message], Retrieved from SunSentinel.com, https://weblogs.sun-sentinel.com
- Smith, Adam (1776). An Inquiry into the Nature And Causes of the Wealth of Nations. Public domain.
- Toohey, Marty (2009, September 21). Advocates concerned Austin Energy plans will hurt poor, elderly. statesman.com. Retrieved from www.statesman.com
- Walsh, Bryan (2009, February 17). Building Green Houses for the Poor. Time. Retrieved from https://www.time.com.