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hpr3303 :: Slackware on RaspberryPi

An alternative to raspberrypi os

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Hosted by Brian in Ohio on 2021-03-31 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
raspberry pi, slackware. 1.
The show is available on the Internet Archive at:

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:19:42


a little history

  • slackware on arm started by stuart winter in 2002
  • became an official port of slackware in 2009
  • lots of info at the video podcast on youtube

why choose slackware

  • can do minimal installs easy
  • education
  • stable and secure

who should avoid slackware

  • unwilling or unable to read and follow directions
  • if you think your leet when you use apt instead of apt-get
  • if you think commands like dd are 'scary'


  • there is no official port of slackware arm to raspberrypi
  • i think this is because of raspberrypi has a non standard way of booting compared to most arm devices
  • community has stepped in

on the slackware documentation project website there are 'manual' install projects

  • took a while, had to download firmware from the raspberrypi project itself
  • quite a bit of cleanup
  • this is the guide if you want slackware on a pi-zero
  • guy named phil project lead, started in 2012
  • the sarpi project is also a manual process
  • even if you don't do this you should look at the website content, this is the way to do a tutorial
  • after you download the sources this install is exactly like any other slackware install
  • when you get to the package selection its easy to customize

after install

  • you have a complete development environment
  • be prepared to up your search foo
  • many packages can be built from slackbuilds

The only mistakes you can't learn from are, your own fatal mistakes


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Comment #1 posted on 2021-04-01 12:24:33 by Zen_floater2


An excellent show sir.
Someday, I will try and put Slackware 13 on my older chromebook.

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