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hpr3301 :: K S P Kerbal Space Program! (Game)

400 hours into the game I talk about howto get into Kerbal Space Program!

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Hosted by operat0r on 2021-03-29 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Kerbal Space Program, KSP, games, space. 1.
The show is available on the Internet Archive at:

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:35:31


  • dont ever use return to launch pad or anything always use quick save and load etc .. quick save before launch etc...
  • stay away from missions that are high altitudes/ and low speed etc ... for now. stick with ones that are ALT or SPEED only .. do both only if you are sure you can do it.
  • use F12 to keep an eye on physics
  • to EVA in space you need upgrade astronaut complex first ...
  • hit the rest button in the build menu to reset all the stage to .. logical order
  • My rules of thumb for parachutes:
    • Mk1s are good for a ton each.
    • Radials and drogues are good for 1.5t each.
    • Mk2s are good for 2t each.
  • build a plane to do "conduct survey" missions ...
  • missing SAS buttons ? upgrade at tracking and mission control then level up your Pilot to 3 or use tech tree to unlock mod with SAS
  • try to just focuses on missions you can complete easily
  • when you finish a mission keep an eye on the recovery mod or % at the end it will tell you in the report how much money you lost ....
  • sub assembly
  • ( unlock tech tree )
  • A good rule of thumb is to simply keep the ship between 200-300 m/s until you are above 12k meters so you aren't burning extra fuel to get through the lower atmosphere where you're going to experience the most drag.
    • different rockets work better in vacuum of Space
    • for large payloads: Fuel Flow & Asparagus Staging | KSP Beginner's Guide
  • NERV Rocket :
  • 223 hrs and just now getting to build/mechjeb OK...
  • COM ranges
  • sat build! :
    • AE-F33 shell (faring)
    • TR-V2 decopuler
    • dawn engine
    • 2 x pb-x150 xeono
    • small inline reaction wheel
    • z-200 battery
    • ra-15 sat
    • OK-T02 probe (remote control )
    • communion 16 (for kerbal coms)
    • 2x gigantor solar array
  • toggle debeis and clean up !
  • @KSpaceAcademy @KSA_MissionCtrl #KSP #KSP2 @SquadDevs @KerbalSpaceP


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Comment #1 posted on 2021-04-17 09:30:34 by Aaronb

Have you seen xkcd about Kerbal

Very Clever

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