hpr3253 :: Pandas Intro
Enigma introduces one of his favorite python modules pandas
Hosted by Enigma on Wednesday, 2021-01-20 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
python, data analytics, data science.
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Duration: 00:20:41
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A Little Bit of Python.
Initially based on the podcast "A Little Bit of Python", by Michael Foord, Andrew Kuchling, Steve Holden, Dr. Brett Cannon and Jesse Noller. https://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/weblog/arch_d7_2009_12_19.shtml#e1138
Now the series is open to all.
Welcome to another episode of HPR I'm your host Enigma and today we are going to be talking
about one of my favorite python modules Pandas
This will be the first episode in a series I'm naming: For The Love of Python.
First we need to get the module
pip or pip3 install pandas
This will install numpy as well
Pandas uses an object called a dataframe which is a two-dimensional data structure,
i.e., data is aligned in a tabular fashion in rows and columns. Think of a spreadsheet type object in memory
Today we are going to talk about:
1) Importing data from various sources
Csv, excel, sql. More advance topics like Json covered in another episode.
df = pd.read_csv('file name')
2) Accessing data by column names or positionally
print(df.head(5)) # print all columns only first 5 rows
print(df.tail(5)) # print all columns only last 5 rows
print(df.shape) # print number of rows and columns in dataframe
print(df.columns) print column names
print(df[0:1].head(5)) print first two columns first 5 values by column position
print(df['field1].head(5)) print same column first five values by column name
3) Setting column types.
df['FieldName'] = df['FieldName'].astype(int) # sets column as interger
df['FieldName'] = df['FieldName'].astype(str) # sets column to string
df['DateColumn'] = pd.to_datetime(df['DateColumn']) # sets column to Datetime
4) Some basic filtering/manipulation of data.
Splits string at the @ for one split next two lines create 2 columns that use the pieces.
new = df2["Email"].str.split("@", n = 1, expand = True)
df2["user"]= new[0]
df2["domain"]= new[1]
df['col'] = df['Office'].str[:3] # creates a new column grabing the first 3 positions of Office column
df = df[df['FieldName'] != 0] # Only keep rows that have a FieldName value not equal to zero
See example code that you can run at:
Pandas Working example