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hpr3244 :: Interview with Anco Scholte ter Horst CEO of Freedom Internet

Could there be an ISP that wants free and open internet, for privacy, security and quality ?

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Thumbnail of Ken Fallon
Hosted by Ken Fallon on Thursday, 2021-01-07 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license., xs4all, ISP, crowdfunding. 2.

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Duration: 01:10:23
Download the transcription and subtitles.


HPR Correspondents bring you Interviews from interesting people and projects

In this interview with Anco Scholte ter Horst, CEO Freedom Internet, we discuss the history of Internet in the Netherlands. How inspired by the work as XS4All, a new ISP was founded with privacy, security and quality at its core.


XS4ALL was sold to KPN in December 1998, but remained an independent subsidiary. In January 2019, KPN announced that it would eventually phase out the XS4ALL brand and continue operations under the KPN brand. A petition and a special action commission was started to try to revert this decision, the petition has been signed over 50,000 times, signatories include ex-board members and founders of XS4ALL. In November 2019 the committee launched a new company named Freedom Internet, meant to serve as an ideological successor to XS4ALL, and supported by a crowdfunding action that raised 2.5 million euro. Freedom Internet initially offers e-mail hosting, and is meant to roll out its first DSL connections in early 2020.


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Comment #1 posted on 2021-01-12 13:03:24 by Kevin O'Brien

I'm jealous!

I wish I had an ISP as good as that where I am.

Comment #2 posted on 2021-01-24 20:38:06 by Dave Morriss

Great show for lifting the spirits

Wow! I'm enormously impressed by Freedom Internet. This is how businesses should be run! Thanks for this great interview.

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