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hpr3226 :: Using taskwarrior to structurize your work

How using taskwarrior can help you to structure your work

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Thumbnail of Jeroen Baten
Hosted by Jeroen Baten on 2020-12-14 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
command-line, taskwarrior, timewarrior, todo-list. 3.
The show is available on the Internet Archive at:

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Duration: 00:16:10


    • Taskwarrior is Free and Open Source Software that manages your TODO list from the command line. It is flexible, fast, and unobtrusive. It does its job then gets out of your way.
    • Timewarrior is Free and Open Source Software that tracks time from the command line.


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Comment #1 posted on 2020-12-16 21:10:26 by Jon Kulp

I like it but probably won't switch completely

This was a great episode, and I really like the tool. I downloaded and tried it out and it works just as advertised. I don't think I will be using this as my primary ToDo list since it would require me to be sitting at a terminal to access it, but I'm glad to know about it. I mostly use MyTinyToDo list (see hpr1899 :: MyTinyTodo List), which I have installed on my virtual private server and can access from any web browser. I also use the Tasks application on Office365 for certain tasks at work, since that's the platform our University uses. I definitely find taskwarrior appealing, though, and I'm amazed at the robust feature set. Thanks for this introduction.

Comment #2 posted on 2020-12-20 14:58:24 by Dave Morriss

Write a manual!

Great show!

I have tinkered with taskwarrior for years but never used it in earnest. It's been around for quite a while, and has developed a lot in its lifetime, but I have never quite found that it could do what I wanted. I think this is partly because you have to explore every nook and cranny of what it offers before its usefulness becomes clear - or maybe I mean *I* have to do this!

I have always found its documentation to be a bit difficult to penetrate, because of the way it's laid out, and I haven't persisted. I mainly use the task capabilities of Thunderbird to remind me what I should be doing. However, I'd like to master taskwarrior and look forward to reading your book about it ;-)

Comment #3 posted on 2022-07-09 15:45:04 by dnt

the urgency

I saw your more recent episode and was reminded of this one. I had heard of Taskwarrior many times. In this show, you explained how you can set weights for different attributes, out of which the urgency score is calculated. By that, you can sort your mess of things you wish you would do. That proved too irresistible to my little brain. It really is one of the things that set it apart. Having succumbed, via vendor lock-in at work, to a less free and more convenient option, I am not using Taskwarrior anymore, but I did for a good while and I think it is the most impressive to-do list application out there. So, thanks for this show!

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