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hpr3206 :: Dungeons and Dragons for the blind

I discuss some easy workarounds to make tabletop RPGs easy for both sighted and non-sighted players

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Hosted by Klaatu on Monday, 2020-11-16 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
dnd, blind, inclusive, 5e, tabletop, rpg. 1.

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Duration: 00:58:31
Download the transcription and subtitles.

Tabletop Gaming.

In this series, initiated by klaatu, analog games of various sorts are described and reviewed. See for details.

Dungeons and Dragons, and most tabletop roleplaying games, are ideal platforms for players with low or no vision. However, because most players are sighted, you have to work-around some assumptions made by the rulebooks.

I [currently] have vision, but I have played with a blind player before, and I've played as a Dungeon Master with no materials on hand. In this episode, I discuss some easy workarounds to make tabletop RPGs easy for both sighted and non-sighted players.

There are audiobook versions of the rule books available at

The official D&D digital platform is, and it is accessible to blind players using a screen reader.

Wizards of the Coast publishes the basic rules under the Open Game License (OGL). As a service to my players, I maintain a version of this document in plain text, with third-party OGL additions. It may or may not be useful for screen readers, depending on your workflow.


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Comment #1 posted on 2020-11-16 15:34:07 by Mike Ray

Thanks for a great show

Thanks for this episode Klaatu.

There were some good things in there to think about. Bit of a pity you didn't use the 'theatre of the mind' phrase to emphasise the way DMs and players can enhance their enjoyment by graphic and detailed description. But I guess it is a bit of a cliche.

I will think about responding to this show with one of my own, and what I have done on the way to taking up D&D again after over forty years of not playing since I was at school.

One term I had never heard until this show is 'dice tower'. Now I think you might have caused a few more quid to leave my bank and end up in Jeff Bezos'. Even though I can't see the dice I have been unable to resist buying lots of them recently.

On listening to the 'Critical Role' podcast, I fell in love with the sound of what sounded like a wooden dice tray.

Typing 'roll d20' at a Linux prompt is useful, but lacks soul.

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