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hpr3191 :: Swedish Corona Experience

I will cover my experience of the Corona virus

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Thumbnail of Daniel Persson
Hosted by Daniel Persson on 2020-10-26 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
corona, sweden. 1.
The show is available on the Internet Archive at:

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:16:09

Health and Healthcare.

A open series about Health and Healthcare

Swedish Health Authority Recommendation

  • If sick stay at home.
  • If you have symptoms take a test.
  • Wash at least 20 seconds use alcohol with atleast 60% alcohol content.
  • Don't touch your face with unwashed hands.
  • Keep distance arm length (or 2m).
  • Don't gather in large companies.
  • Avoid public transport, try walking or biking when possible.
    • If required go with public transport book a ticket or go when others don't.
  • If possible work from home.


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Comment #1 posted on 2020-10-26 15:58:21 by mcnalu

Interesting info from Sweden

Thank you for this show. I found it very interesting to hear how another country/county is dealing with this virus from an individual's perspective. We often hear that Sweden is dealing with COVID-19 by requiring much lighter restrictions than where I am in Scotland/UK but your description doesn't sound very different from the situation here. One notable difference is that you said older children are not all back at school. Here *all* children are back but due to an outbreak at his school my son is currently at home self isolating as are most of his year group (15-16 year olds) of 100 or so pupils. This should not have come as a surprise as I understand that the virus spreads amongst older children much like it does with adults, though the disease is much less severe in most cases.

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