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hpr3121 :: Opposing Views on Tattoos

Windigo and Mrs. Honeyhume discuss their views on tattoos

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Hosted by Windigo on Monday, 2020-07-20 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
tattoos. 2.

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Duration: 00:31:06
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Note: Phone recording came with a little bit of a hiss. Sorry about that!

I discuss the subject of tattoos with my partner of fifteen years, Mrs. Honeyhume. While we agree on many subjects, tattoos are not one of them.

She enjoys and appreciates tattoos, seeing them as a permanent form of art that you can display on your own body. She has several of her own. I do not mind if other people tattoo themselves, but I am very opposed to getting them myself.

We discuss cultural influences of tattooing, some different methods used to tattoo skin, and many hypothetical situations to try to pin down the source of my opposition to getting one.


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Comment #1 posted on 2020-07-29 04:29:15 by Klaatu

Team Mrs. Honeyhume

You only get one body in life, so why not decorate it?

Comment #2 posted on 2020-07-31 11:36:02 by Dave Morriss

I have an aversion to tattoos

Very interesting discussion. It made me think a lot about the subject.

When I was a kid (1950's and 60's) tattoos weren't "cool". The society I grew up in (working class, Greater London, then Norfolk) was not supportive of them. They were things that people of "lower class" had - or at least, that was my impression.

I have tried to shed as much of this type of attitude and prejudice as I can, but I still don't find myself wanting a tattoo. I have no problem with anyone else choosing to have them though, and in some cases I admire the choices they have made.

I have never voiced this opinion to my kids (as far as I know), but neither of them were keen on the idea of having tattoos when I asked! The prospect of making a permanent bad decision about them was certainly a factor.

Thanks for the thought-provoking episode.


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