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hpr3111 :: HPR Community News for June 2020

Dave struggles to keep Ken on track as they talk about shows and comments in June 2020

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Thumbnail of HPR Volunteers
Hosted by HPR Volunteers on Monday, 2020-07-06 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Community News. 1.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:59:56
Download the transcription and subtitles.

HPR Community News.

A monthly look at what has been going on in the HPR community. This is a regular show scheduled for the first Monday of the month.

New hosts

There were no new hosts this month.

Last Month's Shows

Id Day Date Title Host
3086 Mon 2020-06-01 HPR Community News for May 2020 HPR Volunteers
3087 Tue 2020-06-02 Phonetic alphabet klaatu
3088 Wed 2020-06-03 Matchbox Restoration Part 2 Tony Hughes AKA TonyH1212
3089 Thu 2020-06-04 For my Entertainment Archer72
3090 Fri 2020-06-05 Locating Computer on a Enterprise Network operat0r
3091 Mon 2020-06-08 fuguserv Zen_Floater2
3092 Tue 2020-06-09 Pens, pencils, paper and ink - 2 Dave Morriss
3093 Wed 2020-06-10 Response to Linux Inlaws S01E06 (hpr 3079) on NeXT Claudio Miranda
3094 Thu 2020-06-11 Holy crud! I have a kinesis advantage 2 keyboard! sigflup
3095 Fri 2020-06-12 Intro to GIMP Ahuka
3096 Mon 2020-06-15 Unscripted ramblings on a walk: PC Building. Christopher M. Hobbs
3097 Tue 2020-06-16 Linux Inlaws S01E07 The Big Blue Button monochromec
3098 Wed 2020-06-17 Matchbox Restoration Part 3 Tony Hughes AKA TonyH1212
3099 Thu 2020-06-18 Linux Inlaws S01E08 The review of the review monochromec
3100 Fri 2020-06-19 For your consideration - Makers Corner Ken Fallon
3101 Mon 2020-06-22 Metrics Andrew Conway
3102 Tue 2020-06-23 RFC 5005 Part 2 – Webcomics, subscribers and feed readers clacke
3103 Wed 2020-06-24 A warning about browser extensions and add-ons. Ken Fallon
3104 Thu 2020-06-25 HPR AudioBook Club 19 - Tincture: An Apocalyptic Proposition HPR_AudioBookClub
3105 Fri 2020-06-26 Akaso EK7000 Pro Ahuka
3106 Mon 2020-06-29 Linux Inlaws S01E09 Postgres monochromec
3107 Tue 2020-06-30 Generating comfortable passwords crvs

Comments this month

These are comments which have been made during the past month, either to shows released during the month or to past shows. There are 23 comments in total.

Past shows

There are 6 comments on 5 previous shows:

  • hpr3056 (2020-04-20) "Jitsi" by operat0r.

  • hpr3072 (2020-05-12) "The joy of pip-tools and pyenv-virtualenv" by clacke.
    • Comment 3: clacke on 2020-06-02: "The joy is real"

  • hpr3079 (2020-05-21) "Linux Inlaws S01E06 Porn and Trump" by monochromec.
    • Comment 1: frank on 2020-06-15: "The sketch"

  • hpr3082 (2020-05-26) "RFC 5005 Part 1 – Paged and archived feeds? Who cares?" by clacke.
    • Comment 1: clacke on 2020-06-02: "Atom "tombstones" RFC"

  • hpr3083 (2020-05-27) "Mumbling while on lockdown" by Dave Morriss.
    • Comment 3: Windigo on 2020-06-03: "Modern Sheevaplug support"
    • Comment 4: Dave Morriss on 2020-06-04: "Re: Modern Sheevaplug support"

This month's shows

There are 17 comments on 11 of this month's shows:

  • hpr3087 (2020-06-02) "Phonetic alphabet" by klaatu.
    • Comment 1: crvs on 2020-06-02: "you forgot november"

  • hpr3090 (2020-06-05) "Locating Computer on a Enterprise Network" by operat0r.
    • Comment 1: b-yeezi on 2020-06-05: "Thanks for reminding me"
    • Comment 2: cmhobbs on 2020-06-08: "quality episode"

  • hpr3091 (2020-06-08) "fuguserv" by Zen_Floater2.
    • Comment 1: norrist on 2020-06-08: "read only router"
    • Comment 2: lZen_Floater1 on 2020-06-11: "READ ONLY ROOTS"

  • hpr3093 (2020-06-10) "Response to Linux Inlaws S01E06 (hpr 3079) on NeXT" by Claudio Miranda.
    • Comment 1: monochromec on 2020-05-27: "The review of the review"

  • hpr3094 (2020-06-11) "Holy crud! I have a kinesis advantage 2 keyboard!" by sigflup.
    • Comment 1: cmhobbs on 2020-06-11: "great keyboard"

  • hpr3095 (2020-06-12) "Intro to GIMP" by Ahuka.
    • Comment 1: brian-in-ohio on 2020-06-14: "the gimp"
    • Comment 2: Ahuka on 2020-06-14: "I'm glad it helped"

  • hpr3096 (2020-06-15) "Unscripted ramblings on a walk: PC Building." by Christopher M. Hobbs.
    • Comment 1: Mike Brehm on 2020-06-17: "Productive walk"
    • Comment 2: cmhobbs on 2020-06-21: "re: productive walk"

  • hpr3099 (2020-06-18) "Linux Inlaws S01E08 The review of the review" by monochromec.
    • Comment 1: ClaudioM on 2020-06-18: "All According to Plan! }:-)"

  • hpr3100 (2020-06-19) "For your consideration - Makers Corner" by Ken Fallon.
    • Comment 1: brian-in-ohio on 2020-06-19: "a book recommendation"

  • hpr3101 (2020-06-22) "Metrics" by Andrew Conway.
    • Comment 1: Clinton Roy on 2020-06-22: "Looking forward to further episodes."
    • Comment 2: Ahuka on 2020-06-22: "Excellent!"
    • Comment 3: brian-in-ohio on 2020-06-22: "more episodes"

  • hpr3107 (2020-06-30) "Generating comfortable passwords" by crvs.

Mailing List discussions

Policy decisions surrounding HPR are taken by the community as a whole. This discussion takes place on the Mail List which is open to all HPR listeners and contributors. The discussions are open and available on the HPR server under Mailman.

The threaded discussions this month can be found here:

Events Calendar

With the kind permission of we are linking to The Community Calendar.

Quoting the site:

This is the community event calendar, where we track events of interest to people using and developing Linux and free software. Clicking on individual events will take you to the appropriate web page.

Any other business

Error feedback from show notes

Most of the shows we process require us to make some level of modifications to get them posted. This ranges from fixing tags to a complete rewrite of the shownotes, or verifying whether intros were actually added or not.

Each modification that we make means that it requires more human intervention and prevents us from being able to completely automate the upload process. In addition there is a non trivial amount of time needed to "fix" these issues. This can range from a few minutes to an hour or more per show, and with 260 shows a year this mounts up.

We normally don't contact hosts about these issues as it is usually quicker to fix the issues than composing emails, and waiting for the reply that may never come. For the most part our experience has been that hosts are more than willing to fix these issues if they are aware of them.

As part of the ongoing steps toward automation, would hosts be open to the idea of getting a processing report once we have posted the show? This would list all the issues the test tools found and the steps that we needed to take to rectify them.

Making changes to shows after upload

Sometimes an error or omission in notes for an HPR episode isn't noticed until the show is posted to the site. In recent times a few hosts have sent in their changes by way of comments. This is not ideal:

  1. There's a limit on how much text a comment can hold
  2. The comment form has a nasty habit of stripping backslashes, so code corrections can be messed up
  3. We don't put comments on the show's page on, so such corrections will not be seen by people reading the notes there

The HPR admins would prefer changes to be sent in the form of emails to admin at They will then be applied to the show notes and the version updated in step.

Tags and Summaries

Thanks to the following contributor for sending in updates in the past month:

Over the period tags and/or summaries have been added to 10 shows which were without them.

If you would like to contribute to the tag/summary project visit the summary page at and follow the instructions there.


Subscribe to the comments RSS feed.

Comment #1 posted on 2020-07-07 14:59:44 by crvs

On math @ HPR

I found it surprising that Ken would call it "the dark side of teaching maths in HPR" since I disttinctly recall in a community news show, not long ago Ken himself requested someone to do a show on Fourier (or was it Laplace) transforms!

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Note to Verbose Commenters
If you can't fit everything you want to say in the comment below then you really should record a response show instead.

Note to Spammers
All comments are moderated. All links are checked by humans. We strip out all html. Feel free to record a show about yourself, or your industry, or any other topic we may find interesting. We also check shows for spam :).

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