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hpr3063 :: Pens, pencils, paper and ink - 1

Looking at a few more of my writing implements

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Thumbnail of Dave Morriss
Hosted by Dave Morriss on Wednesday, 2020-04-29 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
fountain pen, ballpoint pen. 4.

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Duration: 00:14:39
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The art of writing.

An open series on writing tools, media, supplies and techniques.


It’s been over four years since I did a show about fountain pens. It was in the What’s in My Toolkit series entitled What’s in my case, show 1941 released on 2016-01-11.

I thought it might be appropriate to visit the subject once again. I want to tell you about some new pens and pencils I have acquired, some inks I am enjoying and some of the notebooks I have bought.

There’s too much for a single show here, so I’m making a mini-series of three shows. This also leaves the door open for more when the collection grows in the future!

Long notes

I have provided detailed notes with pictures for this episode, and these can be viewed here.


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Comment #1 posted on 2020-05-05 10:08:51 by Archer72

Fountain pens

This episode leaves me wishing I were a writer/artist. It is an interesting medium that my daughter (an artist) may take up, since she had been sketching pen drawings lately.

Comment #2 posted on 2020-05-07 14:23:27 by Bookewyrmm

Pens, ink and paper

Dave, my apologies for the late comment, I had intended to get it in prior to the community news, but, life happens.

I too have always been fascinated by these tools. My fascination was multiplied by both of my parents working in parallel industries when I was young. My father worked in an art and drafting supply house, my mother in an office supplies store.

Instead of turning to fountain pens, my disposition is toward ball point pens. While I do agree that they aren't the greatest writing tools, I have leaned toward advertising pieces and novelty pens. I have pens in my collection from as early as the 1950s and 60s. Mostly local business advertising, a few national chains/brand names.

Art class in middle school introduced me to papers and textures and artisan papers. I am a proud owner of a 100% hand made journal. (Not by me, I don't have that level of skill) the 300 pages of paper is all hand made from recycled cardboard and denim an the entire volume is bound in hand tooled leather. It is so nice, I am scared to write in

Comment #3 posted on 2020-05-07 20:31:50 by Dave Morriss

To Archer72

Hi. Thanks for the comment.

I know what you mean; I'm no artist myself. My daughter took art and science at school and has developed her art skills since then. She always tells me to just keep sketching if I want to get better at it. That's what she has done to try to get to a place where she can start to combine her science interests with her art.

I guess the message is that you can develop abilities if you keep trying!

Comment #4 posted on 2020-05-07 20:45:02 by Dave Morriss

To Bookewyrmm

Thanks for the comment; it's much appreciated.

My interest in fountain pens didn't really develop until I was beyond school age. School had the effect of making me dislike using them because I was forced to do so. I have been a frequent ballpoint pen user from my university student days, because it was easier to write rapidly with one when in lectures or other places where rapid transcription was needed.

I can see how an interest in the older 1950/1960 designs of ballpoint pens would be a thing. Quite collectable!

Your hand-made journal sounds wonderful, with the leather cover too! I have never owned anything so good, but I do have some notebooks that I like so much I have never used them and probably never will! Your reaction to your journal is perfectly understandable.

I'd like to hear more about the pen collection and the journal if you feel you could make a show about them :-)

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