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hpr3032 :: piCore on a Raspberry Pi 1 Model B

How I revived my Raspberry Pi Model 1 B with piCore and a tiny SD card.

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Thumbnail of Claudio Miranda
Hosted by Claudio Miranda on Tuesday, 2020-03-17 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
raspberrypi, rpi, linux, bsd. 3.

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Duration: 00:10:51
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In this episode, I discuss how I revived my Raspberry Pi 1 Model B using piCore, a specialized version of Tiny Core Linux for the Raspberry Pi, on a 128 MB SD card that I had laying around. I also mention nanoBSD and Alpine Linux as possible alternatives to try out.


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Comment #1 posted on 2020-03-26 22:48:33 by Windigo

Minimal distros are the best

I've tried out TinyCore a few times over the years, but had no idea they made a RaspberryPi edition. What a pleasant surprise!

Comment #2 posted on 2020-04-15 14:57:58 by clacke

Re: Tiny Core maintainer name

I have never used Tiny Core Linux, but years of listening to ... Linux Outlaws probably? ... have still taught me the name of its maintainer by heart, because it's the most Bond Villain maintainer name ever.

*Sean Connery voice*


Comment #3 posted on 2020-04-18 09:08:30 by clacke

Ridiculously tiny really

On a more relevant note: I love these minimalist approaches. A friend swears by Porteus, but that's still 300 MB. Tiny by most standards, but wouldn't fit on your card.

I think it's worth mentioning that while you said it left a few megabytes on your card, the core of Core is a mere 11 MB. He tried for the longest time to keep it below 10 MB, but had to break the barrier about 10 years ago.

It's still the only distro that fits in an email. :-)

Hadn't heard of NanoBSD before, thanks for bringing it up.

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