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hpr3004 :: Fixing simple audio problems with Audacity

Sharing a few experiences with Audacity that may be helpful to others

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Thumbnail of Dave Morriss
Hosted by Dave Morriss on Thursday, 2020-02-06 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
audio, Audacity, effects, problem solving. (Be the first).

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:13:28
Download the transcription and subtitles.



I recorded the audio for the show I did with MrX in late 2019: “hpr2972 :: The foot of the ski slope”. I was using my Zoom H2n recorder in my car, on a small tripod placed on the dashboard. Something about this setup caused the result to be very boomy and (to me) unpleasant to listen to. This episode is about what I did for a cure, after some research.

I have also been using the Truncate Silence effect in Audacity incorrectly in the past, and I used the opportunity to learn how to do a better job with it.

Now, I am well aware that there are some skilled and experienced Audio Engineers out there in HPR-land. I am certainly not one of these, though I quite enjoy fiddling with audio to make it sound better. I’d like to make two requests:

  1. If I didn’t do a good job, please tell me what I did wrong here, and how I should have done it.
  2. Think about doing a show (or shows) on HPR about how to deal with common audio problems. For example: how to remove a mains hum, the use of compression and normalisation.

Long notes

A longer form of these notes may be found here (full_shownotes.html). These go into more detail on the steps I took to try and make the audio for show 2972 more tolerable.


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